help on how to clone


Well-Known Member
My "simple" method. I am not an expert, but I cut 7-8 to eight at a time and at most one dies. So I must be doing something right:
1.) Solo Cups with holes cut at bottom
2.) Soil - MG Seed Starter with 30-40% PLAIN (not MG with nutes) Perlite added in. Make it moist, not wet, with PH 6.5 water
3.) Put a little plain perlite at the bottom of the cups (in addition to what is in the soil, I find it helps get it to come out of the cup when I transplant), then fill 1/2-2/3 full with soil. Put a hole in the center with a pencil or something (sanitize it to be safe)
4.) Clean off your scissor, razor blade, cutting surface, etc with ISO
5.) Take your cuttings with a straight cut. Cut one and immediately put the stem in water. Repeat for as many as you are doing.
6.) One at a time, take cutting out of the water, cut off any extra foliage, slice the stem with as much angle as possible (maximize surface area of cut), dip well in rooting gel, place in hole in soil, lightly pack. Repeat for all clones
7.) Pour a SMALL amount of water (1-2 oz) on each to get the cutting firmly into the soil
8.) Get a baggie, make one small slice in the bottom, mist water inside, place over the solo cup
9.) Put them on a warming mat, keep in a warm place with a little light (for eight clones I use 2 normal CFL about 8" above the cups
10.) Mist the baggie daily. Mist around the soil every couple of days, Water when needed (usually not for more than a week)
11.) After about 10 days, make the slit in the baggie bigger, then remove altogether a couple days later


Well-Known Member
If you want to use soil (since its most readily available for most), out some holes in the bottom of a solo cup, take a cutting, cut at a 45 degree, stick it directly in water. While it's in water, cut down the fan leaves and cut it to length. Prep your cup with soil, Use a pencil, or something of that shape to like a hole in the soil. Use some rooting compound/hormone to generosly coat the bottom 1/2" of the stem, and lightly pack it into the hole, and water the plant. Keep it humid and under light, don't water it constantly, just keep it humid. Spray the leaves if you feel the urge to water it. It may look unhealthy after a few days, but after a week or so it'll perk up and take off. Then start watering it.


Well-Known Member
GrowinDad seems to have a good method. If you use soil, try that, and consider taking some of my info as suggestion on top of that.

Good luck. After a week or so you'll see the roots coming out the bottom of the cups.


Well-Known Member
You don't really need to buy anything to clone all you need is a sharp razor a pot of soil and a spray bottle, don't waste your money on clonex or root it or anything like that let mother nature do her thing...


Well-Known Member
I bought a 60 dollar clone king. Put it together add water and water only. Don't ph it or etc. Cut your clones from mom. Make sure you have a nice lengthy stem as I go with atleast 3-4 inches min. Slide them into foam pucks in cloner set timer for 15 on 15 off. Use a small cfl and trim lower leaves and cut top leaves in half so the plant concentrates on making roots and not leaves. after the wait period ( some take a few days to clone some take I have seen almost 20 days). Pull out clone and put in your medium and done deal


Well-Known Member
I bought a 60 dollar clone king. Put it together add water and water only. Don't ph it or etc. Cut your clines.from mom. Make sure you have a nice.lengthy stem I go with atleast 3-4 inches min. Slide them into foam pucks in.cline king set.timer for 15 on 15 off. Use a small cfl ans trim leaves and cut leaves in half so they plant concentrates on mak8 mg roots and not.leaves. and after the wait period ( some take a few days to clone some take I have seen almost 20 days). Pull out clone and put in your medium and done deal
I'm thinking of making one same principles as a bubbler I believe. ..


Well-Known Member
I received mine and seen how its built. It could be done cheaply.. but you need water pump which will be 20 30 dollars. Then you need nozzles from amazon i think there 5 dollars. drill a bunch of 2 inch holes for foam pucks. I priced it all out to buy and it was about the same as the one king. If you need more then 15-20 clones make.your own but need less clone king I perfect
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Active Member
I bought a 60 dollar clone king. Put it together add water and water only. Don't ph it or etc. Cut your clones from mom. Make sure you have a nice lengthy stem as I go with atleast 3-4 inches min. Slide them into foam pucks in cloner set timer for 15 on 15 off. Use a small cfl and trim lower leaves and cut top leaves in half so the plant concentrates on making roots and not leaves. after the wait period ( some take a few days to clone some take I have seen almost 20 days). Pull out clone and put in your medium and done deal
this doesn't have a top to put on it i noticed and a lot of the others you make a top to put on top

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Three bucks for a bottle of #2 Stimroot powder at Lowes.

Anything for a mini-greenhouse, even a pop bottle. Rock Wool for suspension and some gravel for support and drainage. Don't forget to punch a few drain holes out the bottom and a small air hole at about gravel level 1/2"-2"s depending on how many...6-30. So if you're doing a hundred you'll need 6-7 square inches of drain/air holes, etc. There should be no vent holes higher than just at the top of the medium.

Use cool white lighting for best results.

Some "hybrids" that have had generations of cloning and hydro behind them will root in a plain glass of water. The closer the genetics is to all natural the harder the plant will be to clone.


Well-Known Member
I have a clone king that never worked until i picked up an interval timer 40 seconds on and five minutes off ,otherwise the water was to hot.72 seems to be the perfect temperature and a 50 watt t5 bulb works great,most root in five days.originally i used a standard timer 15 on and 15 off it took significantly longer to root and the clones took longer to grown out.


Well-Known Member
I have a clone king that never worked until i picked up an interval timer 40 seconds on and five minutes off ,otherwise the water was to hot.72 seems to be the perfect temperature and a 50 watt t5 bulb works great,most root in five days.originally i used a standard timer 15 on and 15 off it took significantly longer to root and the clones took longer to grown out.
When I first started using mine the water temps did the same thing as well. I would add roughly 1 handful of ice daily and it worked well. I then started doing the timer 15 on 15 off and never had no probs. Some plants wuld clone easily and fast so would take forever and some would n9t.clone at all but it worked well for me once I worked on the bugs


Active Member
When I first started using mine the water temps did the same thing as well. I would add roughly 1 handful of ice daily and it worked well. I then started doing the timer 15 on 15 off and never had no probs. Some plants wuld clone easily and fast so would take forever and some would n9t.clone at all but it worked well for me once I worked on the bugs
so i need a electric timer
I have a clone king that never worked until i picked up an interval timer 40 seconds on and five minutes off ,otherwise the water was to hot.72 seems to be the perfect temperature and a 50 watt t5 bulb works great,most root in five days.originally i used a standard timer 15 on and 15 off it took significantly longer to root and the clones took longer to grown out.
so how does this timer work the plug to pump plugs it in where did you grab your timer from