Help please. Possible herm?


New Member
Damnit. It’s the only plant I’m growing right now- and the buds up top look thick at the moment, there’s not many of these pollen sacks. Is there any point still growing to the end? Can I remove seeds at the end and use whatever buds have been produced for baking etc?


Well-Known Member
Damnit. It’s the only plant I’m growing right now- and the buds up top look thick at the moment, there’s not many of these pollen sacks. Is there any point still growing to the end? Can I remove seeds at the end and use whatever buds have been produced for baking etc?
Just grow it if you have no other option right now, its not the best way but its for yourself and you aint hurting anyone by growing it. See if you can keep the main parts abit cleaner by picking some of those male parts off. Might be hard to get to all of them as it looks like their growing out the buds. Regardless it will still grow, might be ok finished product too. Like you said at the end when its dry and ready you can just pick the seeds out as your going along. It not ideal but at least you will end up with something as right now its that or nothing.


Well-Known Member
Where on the plant are those located? If they are only toward the bottom you could try stripping the bottom half clean. Honestly though that looks like a lot of pollen sacks.


New Member
Thanks very much for the confirmation everyone and advice. I’m so disappointed this is the 3rd time I’ve gotten herm seeds. Would anyone be able to give me some help on where to source better seeds? I’m located in australia