Help quick in case this is a bug problem so I can act quickly THANK YOU


The first picture is on one of my flowering plants and the other two are on my mother showing the same leaf both sides

Im just curious if someone can diagnosis this asap whether or not its just a nutrient problem i can fix or I am at the start of a mite infestation and want to act as quicikly as possible


Well-Known Member
Do you see in webs little white bugs or black spots(poop) on the under side of the leaves?
Mites will not eat the edges of the leaves like in the first picture. They will hover leave spots on the leaves sucking the life out of them from the underside of the leaf.They are small but if you have them they will look like little bitty white spots of nothing..until they start moving .


New Member
even if I dream about a single mite,I use mighty wash on everything,everywhere.Better safe then sorry