Help whats wrong with my plant?


Hey everyone pics attached my questions are
1.whats causing the marking on the leaf and best method to fix? to stregthen stem looks to thin and still flimsy to me

Plant growth genticts+growth info
Strain is Alien lights og auto from synergy automatic
Plant age since sprout:13 day
Growing: outdoors
Medium: canna terra proffesional(non plus version)
Being using just straight water except yesterday when i watered and gave about 1ml of seasol the seaweed solution in the hopes i could get some more root growth to thicken up the stems as u can see ive had to twist tie it because it was growing abit sideways outside looking for more sunlight id assume so ive moved it to where it can get more sun



Well-Known Member
Thrips, get a bottle of Monterrey Garden Spray. Should be $10 or so. It is the silver bullet for those guys.