Help With My PH


Well-Known Member
I tried using the search and couldn't find what I guess what I was looking for.

My water is PHed at 5.5 and when I add nutes it drops to 3 or less not sure with my meter. What I'm asking is does it need to be PHed after adding the nutes? If so what is the easiest affordable way to do it? Also it's for soil.

Oh and what effect does it have on my plant if it's still fed with that water?

Thanks in anvance. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
"What I'm asking is does it need to be PHed after adding the nutes?"

This is what I do.. I add the nutes, then I take a sample out of my watering bottle, test the ph of this small amoutn of water, then based on the ph(mine is always more alkaline) I give it vinegar, only a few drops at a time and I retake the sample... Don't overdo it with you PH up or down or else ur going to have to keep balancing it and keep adding more chemicals.. etc. baking soda works, i might just go with some PH up though, i dont konw thats up to you


Well-Known Member
Depending on what soil mix your using i wouldnt worry about your water PH.

Ive been growing in soil for nearly seven years and never touched my PH meter and PH+/- since i used to grow hydro and my tap water PH is often over 8!

Once iv added my ferts it brings it down to about 7.5 and i feed them this straight, never had any PH issues......... check my journal, i have zero PH probs.

But yea if you really wanna fuck about with water PH then adjust PH after adding nutes.

But remember adding PH +/- to your water/soil completely destroys the micro-herd in the soil.