Hey, Transplanted from outside, need help, age, tips i dont know what to do...

It does look a lot better indeed. I can't emphasize enough not overwatering though. Let the pot get dry and light (as described above somewhere) between waterings. It should be a good 3-4 days at least between waterings with that pot and that plant...

What kind of soil are you using? It looks pretty dense...you may want to add some perlite to loosen it up and improve aeration of the roots.

She looks infinitely better than her original condition though...good work
Its called LiteWay black earth, produced by Premier. yeah it did get kind of tougher but it has a mixture of the ground soil because of the transplant (in this area there is clay in the soil) So i dont know if that would have affected it aswell.
Hey very nice work dude, she is looking lovely, im having a few probs myself.. i have one ak48 plant about 4week old. i think she is doing well but this is my first time so im not to sure lol.
Il make a forum shorty with pics and info so i can get some advise:D
Ok so she turned hermi and more then half of it :( but my other one I started with it is female 100% so i'm happy about it. But the rescuer had more balls the pistils on it! just chopped it down tonight :( sad day, it was getting huge too.

Thanks for the help everyone