
As you will obviously see i'm new here, But i'm dale from uk i'm so glad i found this amazing site and in just the few hrs since i did i already have learned so much that i needed to know and cant wait to find out more. I just wish that i'd found this site 5weeks ago. After finally getting so pissed off wit paying top skunk price 25 on the henry, for piss poor quality homegrown shit for the past yr or so, i decided that instead i was gonna put our unused dining room to some good use and just grow a few decent plants for myself so obviously simple i couldnt believe i never even considered it befor. So i started going about putting my plan to work but i soon found out that being a complete novice and never grown a single thing in my life, or even knowing the first thing about what was needed, how to set up, or what to do from there my naive stupId ideas soon looked laughable :) for the next week i spent every minute i could researching everything i could find about it and soon had a basic list of needed equipment and instructions and would learn as i went. The original plan was to buy 5 good seeds, set it all up in the corner of the room and hope that i would get maybe 2 or 3 out of the 5 to grow and i'd be sorted for a good while then for a Damn good smoke. Considering i had 0knowledge or exp in any of this i was suprised at how quickly i could find out what i needed, where i should be able to get it and what to do with it, i think my stupid gene must have taken over, because the way i saw it altho things like the lights, Fittings, ballasts were quite xpensive, i didnt care. It wasnt money that i owed any1 else for or needed to make back, any green i managed to grow would all be for myself and from what i'd read eventually i'd be able to have a sort of rotation system that would soon pay for its self by not having to pay top whack for less quality and could choose to grow any type of weed i fancied. In 2days i managed to get hold of 2 hanging reflectors and 2 ballasts and 1 250w bulb for £50 all i needed to pay for after that was another bulb. But when i realised that i could use them upto 400w bulbs too then my total cost sofar was not even half what i'd expected. So instead of 5 seeds i splashed out on 10 instead. Not knowing anything about different types of weed except for when rarely being able to buy good shit like northern lights or white widow, i bought 10 feminised seeds called snow white. Over the next few days i cleared,


scrubbed and set up the room and was looking forward to getting started. Id read all sorts of different ways online to start the seeds off and what to plant them into but still wasnt quite sure and rather screw it up i got advice off a friend (the 1 and only other person apart from my wife who knows about any of this) and as we all talked he said if we wanted he could borrow a couple of 600 lights, for later on so wit that plan we started germinate the snow whites. Next day he comes back wit not 2 lights but 4 but was told that 1 of them didnt work. But when testing to see which 1 they all Worked fine. So wit all that we decided we might aswell use them all and go for 1 big first harvest and see how well it goes. This time i bought 10 fem lemon skunk. Havent got a clue what either plants are like but which ever 1 we prefer we'll keep and sell the other. Cant see it being too difficult considerin the other crap every1s had to put up wit for ages. So now here i am 5 days into week 4 of my 1st ever grow and with 3x more than originally planned and unbelievably going so well, every seed planted and growing better than i imagined possible and now i needing to take up nearly the entire room. Had 1 small problem when i tried to use biobizz fish mix. A couple leaves on 3 of the plants got weird burnt spots on them. I thought it was some horrible plant disease but from what i could find out it seems it was caused by over fertilizing and so i stopped using it and they have stopped appearing. Also i wish i could get the lights a bit closer to them but it just too hot if i try. Anyway. Thats my 1st post on here done at last :-) i got a couple of pictures to add too and any advice or tips would be great to hear. Been winging it for nearly 5 weeks and surely just had a good run of luck rather than any skill sofar so i gotta improve on that cos u cant rely on luck. But i'll keep reading here and update on here their progress or complete failure and you can all have a good laugh at me :-) the pic at top of my name is at 2 weeks old and this 1 is at 4 weeks old :-)



Well-Known Member
ello mate, look like good plants but your pics are crap , 25 squid a hen, bloody disgusting lol ........................


ello mate, look like good plants but your pics are crap , 25 squid a hen, bloody disgusting lol ........................
Ur right my pics are crap :-) but thats cos i only using my crap phone to take them and upload them on here. anyway day 3 of week 2 flowering and my 1st problem :-( 8 of the lemons are not doing what they are told. all the others have stopped growing up and started budding nicely has i hoped but the 8 are showing the hairs just like the rest did but when i flipped the lights they are just on a mission to reach the ceiling. already the tallest is 3ft but the flowers are making no progress- and on top of that the leaves are going yellow around the the veins and edges, and not exactly wilting but curling underneath looking like "claws" far as i can make out its another case of over fert, i'm gonna flush for a day or 2 and reduce the feed solution but just wanted to know if any1 else had any other ideas what it might be or advice on what to do :-) Ill try and upload a half decent pic of problem later


Hello i'm back :-) my first room finished pretty well in the end my 20 plants gave me and my mate about half a Kg each at the end (obviously I got the better half :-) but is that a good enough result for a first go? It looked good enough when the pile just kept getting bigger, and i read somewhere that an average of 2oz each plant was supposed to be like a minimum target, what do you guys think tho? (bear in mind i was never doing it for profit, im a smoker not a dealer) i did however sell about 8oz to some close friends at £120/oz(cos i thought that was a pretty good deal and i think it just about covered my costs and electric, maybe even a bit short) harvest was heartbreaking yet fun, after months of raising them almost like children it almost seemed cruel to be hacking them down. But it seems that they had the last laugh in the end cos for the next 4days after crop i was literally shitting myself! Obviously i knew that the fresh cut plants would make a bit of stink, but fuckin hell!! I'm not joking i could smell them outside my house and 3 doors away! Even after spending a shit load more cash on air fresheners and sprays and just about anything else i could find that i thought would hide it nothing did. So i scrapped my original plan of drying it all at mine and told my mate to get his half out damn quick, nevermind bricking it walking to whereever wit half a k of stinking weed in a backpack i told him if i was gonna be getting my door bashed in by the old bill any minute then at least we'd still have half of it if we were lucky. Once he'd gone me and the wife spent the next hour trying to quickly trim the buds as best we could and get it all wrapped in news paper and the only place i could think to hide it was to pull the side of the bath out and hope for the best. All that was left then was some how hide the 5 lights, ballasts and the in and out fans, wall coverings and 20bloody pots of soil and weed stalks. So she put the stuff in whatever cupboard she could cram it into while i dug a hole at the bottom of the garden. I was actually quite impressed that i'd managed to dig it easily 3-4ft deep in about 15min then as i emptied the pots in them i jumped on them to try and break them up as much as possible and tipped a whole can of petrol, and a load of insect powder, and for some reason a jar of salt and a bottle of vinegar on it( i had no idea what the hell for but surely that cant do plant matter and roots anygood if anything atall) then covered it wi soil and the bits of turf. Hoovered the room, moved a sofa in there and a load of the kids toys and that was about all we could think of doing. I couldnt believe that we'd managed to keep a bloody great grow room going for all that time and then got rid of everything in less than 3hrs, except for the bloody smell. That was it for rest of that day, and most of the next, just sat there spraying deoderant waiting to see if we or my mate had been caught. I didnt wanna ring him or go to his and neither did he. 3 days later i just felt like a bit of a tit for all that panic for nothing. Anyway thats the end of that room and it was the best thing i think i ever did :-D got a shit load of awesome weed and found out that not only do i love smoking the green but i love growing it too and i think that i've found a hobby that i'm gonna keep up for life. And my next 1 is now 5 weeks from finish and twice a big :-D except this time i got a much better idea of what i'm doing, i'm alot more prepared and love it even more, and already cant wait to start my next 1 (although after this 2nd crop its gonna be a much smaller, continuous pastime, i've got 2 mothers chosen and a percy box i've designed and will build and it'll be more like my original plan of just a few at a time to keep and smoke all to myself and never run out :-D