Highest yield per watt...

Can't remember if I've hit 2+ with straight sour d because I really have not grown it that much. I have pulled those numbers with a supersourD though. And of course I have with bluedream. But everyone grows bluedream, so I stopped growing the BD indoor around 6 yrs ago because of that. i was still growing it outdoor though up until a couple years ago;-)

No way on the 5 P's dude.
Your missing space per plant in your thought process. Give a plant more space it will yield more. Give that same plant less space, it will yield less, all else being the same. Know what i'm sayin?
Nowadays though, I've converted most of my setups over to DE's ran at 1150w's. Holy shit, does it change GPW(no matter how you figure it). Here's why:
I've always lit up a 4x4 tray with a traditional 1000w. Still do, and lately for example I dam near hit 2lb's(getting better every crop)with the GG#4 using a traditional 1000w hps.
I light up 3-4x4's with only two DE's, or 1 light over a 4'x6' area. Each one of the 4x4's is pulling 2lb's(more on this last crop I pulled), but I'm only using 766 watts per 4x4. :hump:
Fucking bad ass
Thanks G. I figured 4-5 per light was way unrealistic. That makes sense though.
I gotcha on the blue dream, it does seem like everyone is growing it, especially where you are at. Forgive me, but what does DE Stand for? That is bad ass for sure! 2 per 766w of GG are great numbers!
it really does depend on strain and genetics.Im an og grower and what you lack in quantity...you make up for in quality.I mean you can grow critical mass or sage and get giant harvests...BUT is it what you wanna smoke?so far I have grown gage green genetics og crosses and am so disappointed.DNA...SUCKS ass!!!!!Right now im getting the goji og seeds up to see if Bodhi has what im looking for...I found a seed in a stinky bag of og kush...its a female and thinking all this money I spent on seeds from "quality breeders" was a waste of time...except for connesseurs Labrador which is the only strain ive kept throughout oodles of seeds.grew the cookin from the bay area and it was chronic but meager yields.FIND the ONE and don't settle til you have found her.happy hunting!!!!
Those look sick. Thanks for sharing! I hadn't heard of those yet. I'll have to get two lights to try once my next paycheck comes in ;)

Sounds like they are worth the money?
Fuck yeah they are.
Keep in mind though, you can't air-cool them the way you can a regular hps hood. And they need to be further away from canopy. Roughly 3' when ran at max.
Fuck yeah they are.
Keep in mind though, you can't air-cool them the way you can a regular hps hood. And they need to be further away from canopy. Roughly 3' when ran at max.
Thanks man I appreciate you sharing! I'll have to start reading up on them. I love all this new technology.
Fuck yeah they are.
Keep in mind though, you can't air-cool them the way you can a regular hps hood. And they need to be further away from canopy. Roughly 3' when ran at max.

The ac/dc is the only one you can air cool like normal, it has a separate closed space above the bulb where the air flows to cool the hood. You not suppose to directly air cool de bulbs
The ac/dc is the only one you can air cool like normal, it has a separate closed space above the bulb where the air flows to cool the hood. You not suppose to directly air cool de bulbs
There are quite a few semi-air-coolable DE hoods on the market now;-)
None of them air cool like a traditional/modern(normal)hps hood;-)

And oh yeah, this is the phantom hood that I use to achieve a 4'x6' footprint:
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Besides the ac/de, all the other air cooled de hoods are useless. They are set up to pull air directly over the bulb which is not good for de setups. They say to run fans at 10% but thats a joke, theres a par test on youtube comparing them and the par levels drop considerably while air cooled besides the ac/de.

And why don't they air cool like traditional hps? You hook them up to a fan and ducting an push/pull air through them to cool. I use the ac/de's with great results.
And why don't they air cool like traditional hps? You hook them up to a fan and ducting an push/pull air through them to cool. I use the ac/de's with great results.
Every DE aircool hood I've seen, is baffled so the air does not flow directly through the hood and over the bulb. I figured all of them were like that.
I've never seen a DE hood that allows someone to air cool like a "regular" hood. Which they shouldn't rite?
If they do make them, well that's just straight retarded.
I think we are both saying the same thing though dude. :-). Later
What other hood besides the ac/de, doesn't pull air directly over the bulb? Because every other air cooled de hood I've seen pulls the air directly over the bulb. The grow 1, dl triple x2, phantom de pull air straight over the bulb.
Tell you the truth bro, that must be the only one I've actually looked at. Ur rite. They make a bunch of straight through DE hoods. Lame! My bad. Read about this one in the description, and it sure makes it sound like it's passive AC.

But looking at it again, it doesn't look so passive to me.
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A lot to do with genetics best i ever did from clone 5 week veg 2 k mh / hps obtained 1.59 GPW could of been a fluke have not hit it again since , but today my constant yields per 1k = 1200 grams 1.2 GPW and pretty much consistent with this strain middle of the pack for yield give me a high yielding strain could possibly hit 2 GPW ??? who knows
Yea I upgraded all my rooms to DE about year ago. I did a lot of research and to me, the ac/de are the only air cooled de hood that are worth buying. They work great too, how their set up you can take the glass off and still air cool the hood.
Yea I upgraded all my rooms to DE about year ago. I did a lot of research and to me, the ac/de are the only air cooled de hood that are worth buying. They work great too, how their set up you can take the glass off and still air cool the hood.
Rite on.
For me, when doing research before upgrading all my rooms, it didn't make much sense buying a hood like that, since we aren't supposed to cool them much.
What kind of footprint you rocking with that hood?
In my 8k I have to go with air cooled hoods, the ceiling is 8' and I like to do 10g pots, 4-5 per light depending on strain. I felt like gavitas would have been tough to keep cool in a smaller room and you have to keep the hood 3' above the canopy so that wouldn't give me much room for the plants. 4x4 for each light. The way the ac/de is set up, air cooling works fine. Doesn't affect the bulb temperature at all which is what causes problems. I use ushio pro plus de bulbs and nanolux de ballasts.

The nanolux weren't my first choice but all the gavita remotes and phantom de's were sold out and my hydro store wasn't sure when they were going to be able to get them. They said every one and their mother with a warehouse is eating them all up. I go to a relatively large hydro store too, they got 3 locations. I tried getting them in sacramento and humboldt, no go. They told me sunlight and hydrofarm didn't have any in stock and were waiting for them to be shipped from over seas. But anyway the nanolux have been working great for almost a year now, no complaints yet.

This video shows the par levels with 3 different air cooled DE reflectors, really good information and it shows that the ac/de isn't affected by the air cooling unlike its competitors.

In my larger setup I use gavitas, but I have 15' ceilings. Same thing there, 4x4 per light.
it really does depend on strain and genetics.Im an og grower and what you lack in quantity...you make up for in quality.I mean you can grow critical mass or sage and get giant harvests...BUT is it what you wanna smoke?so far I have grown gage green genetics og crosses and am so disappointed.DNA...SUCKS ass!!!!!Right now im getting the goji og seeds up to see if Bodhi has what im looking for...I found a seed in a stinky bag of og kush...its a female and thinking all this money I spent on seeds from "quality breeders" was a waste of time...except for connesseurs Labrador which is the only strain ive kept throughout oodles of seeds.grew the cookin from the bay area and it was chronic but meager yields.FIND the ONE and don't settle til you have found her.happy hunting!!!!
yes yes I understand...ty ty...I guess I have to go thru the strains....I think im start with....LSD....super silver hze or blue dream...NOT SURE YET....I have critical kush