Hobby Lobby Decision..

I think there should be free birth control for all Democrats. They want it, fucking give it to them. Let them have all they want, give them a years worth at a time. It would be a good start to fixing shit.

Responsible citizen: I won't pay for your oxygen.
Progressive: Oh, my God, you are suffocating me.

united states government: you can't deny service to blacks because they are black, desert dude.
whiny racist bitch: you are violating my first amendment rights!

I think there should be free birth control for all Democrats. They want it, fucking give it to them. Let them have all they want, give them a years worth at a time. It would be a good start to fixing shit.

old meme nitro, please find new.

thank you,

"the management"

bucky and schuylaar:mrgreen:
all hormonal birth control can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting, which is abortion by their narrow, extremist definition.

not that they mind profiting from these exact same drugs, mind you. they just won't pay for them.

making money from them is a completely different "sincerely held" belief altogether.
hobby lobby sells birth control pills now?

damn youre retarded
read it fuckers:finger:

How is hobby lobby controlling women??

Are women forced to work for Hobby Lobby without their consent?? Are women forced to sign a contract that says they will not have an abortion when working for Hobby Lobby??

If you mean women are forced to show up on time to a schedule they agreed to then yes, Hobby Lobby controls women. However, that is the definition of a JOB....
If a person is forced to serve another....what would you call them?

It seems like being forced to serve another person makes them a slave....just saying.

she's a Hobbes fan. she thinks we will devolve into Rwanda. who knows......maybe we will. I'll certainly not judge my fellows by "race" or phrenology, or Aryan tests without Uncle's gun at my head. its stupid, and its bad for business.

all I know is........the longer the rubber band stretches.........the worse will be the snap of societal failure. the only answer the state has is to point more guns at us, and apply more controls. not only are people slaves, they are progressing from indenture, to chattel slavery.
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