Well-Known Member
Sorry your right I didn't answer the question.it's pretty twisted that you think these things of someone you've never met.
He would feel relief.
And awfully thin skin the young lady.
Sorry your right I didn't answer the question.it's pretty twisted that you think these things of someone you've never met.
You seem have turned around the leftist agenda imposing its will upon Hobby Lobby into Hobby Lobby imposing its will upon its employees. The ruling denied the HHS the ability to impose forcing the company to act against their own religious beliefs. Their employees can still use whatever BC they choose. Hobby Lobby is not forcing anyone to do anything or not do anything.
exactly..it may seem like women are cattle to you to "poke and prod"..wonder how a man would feel being punished for bodily function by intimidating him with unnecessary intrusive medical procedure with a "probe" up his ass?...
it's pretty twisted that you think these things of someone you've never met.
And so do you.i wonder if this would have even been an issue if men could get pregnant.
extremists from all walks of life all over the globe all have one thing in common: they like to control women.
And so do you.
"She OWES ME $2500.00." - Uncle Buck 2014
it's down to about 2300 now.
You said you scratched it because you just harvested. Liar.
no i didn't.
i just offed my harvest, i can care less about what she owes me now.
That was hard.
caring less is not the same thing as scratching the debt. she can pay me back as she wishes.
Try to keep up.
I'm not saying that at all. My statement was as to why getting employers out of the habit of supplying health insurance would have a downside.So people should not be allowed a right to choose whether to have insurance or not??