Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
He's not paranoid he's an all mighty drug lord that must keep his identity seccret at all cost, anyone remember that show" My secret identity"

Ignoe the comments crypt it's just my "emotions" again, fuck if only i had a man to keep me in check lol ah wait he's tucked he's tail and ran for the man cave
Fuckin' A. :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
really????/ i'll give you all the rep points i can give you if you get it right crypt... plus a newfound respect for you, not that i don't already have oodles of respect for you though, lol.. but guess away..
I'm not an asshole. I wont reveal what anybody who can decipher metadata already can on a public forum. I'll PM you later. I haven't actually analyzed it. LOL Just pointing it out.


Active Member
Awwww this thread <3 :hug: I miss all my sexy RIU men :D

carne you look like someone who could take me camping, im itching for the outdoors! :)

Dick Moser

Active Member
this seems to have devolved to a decadent and foul pit of deabuchery.......and the phallic symbol slides right back in


Well-Known Member
Well would you just look at that? I mean just look at it. Would you just have a look at that.

Those were the last words my ex-girlfriend said to me as she pointed and laughed with her friends at my tiny micro-penis. I was embarrassed and ashamed. I hurt inside.


Well-Known Member
Ladies: I'm effin' sexy as hell but i'll be damned if I'm posting pics of me on RIU. PM me for the goods (and I'm not talking about glamour shots of my cock either)
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