How am I Doing?

So i am planning on growing outside this summer in New England. We have quite a bit of land as well as forest. I found a good spot, dug a hole probable 2x3 feet and filled it with vermiculum and soil from my garden. I germinated a seed and got a taproot around a half an inch, and planted it outside and now i have a small seedling about 2 inches. The lighting per day isnt great, but i gotta stay somwhat concealed. It recieves spotty lighting for several hours each day. So how am i doing and any tips for this summer or the future?


Well-Known Member
got any more you can throw outside drew? Planting a seed outside your gonna have a 50/50 shot of it making it past the next month, easier to clones a mother and veg that clone till its large enough. Since I assume your not doing that.....go throw 10 more of those beans in the ground. At least you will have a shot at some good buds.

As 420 said above, get something around that plant. A 1x1 piece of chicken wire, put over the top of the plant (like a mound) and held down by rocks works great.
haha well its not like i would piss on it or anywhere near it, just in the general area, id rather piss than rub up against stuff


Active Member
I've tried growing outside, in the woods, around here in New England (CT).. All I ever end up with is tall, lanky, super stretched plants and popcorn buds. The first frost also comes too early to let a plant reach it's full potential outside. Finding a safe clearing that receives the right amount of direct sunlight is near impossible. Mary Jane just doesnt look anything like the foliage around here, much less having it grow isolated in the middle of an open area in the woods. It's much too easy to spot from up above.