How important is alternating nodes?


Well-Known Member
Hello folks, i have a plant thats a little over 5 weeks old and a 4 week old they're definatly female. But i dont have any alternating nodes yet, my space is limited. Does flowering before you see alternating nodes reduce the quality significantly?? I could wait it out but im afraid i'll run out of room. Im growing 2 plants in a closet thats 2x2. Any advice?



Well-Known Member
Alternating nodes happens when your plant begins maturity. When you start from seed its recommended to wait till theres like 4 alternating nodes (or 6 weeks veg)


Well-Known Member
So you must wait until they alternate other wise you will be waisting time in 12/12.
Now that you are so close to going 12/12 take out all the skinny branches, thin out anything that will not get light, basicly the lil twigs in the middle.


Well-Known Member
I know i can flower whenever i want basicly, but my question is if i were to flower before the alternating nodes would it make my yeild smaller? less potent maybe? Anyone have an idea??


Well-Known Member
It increases the chance of hermie tendencies, since you are putting the plant into a stressed state.


Well-Known Member
You can't flower whenever you want, the plant needs to be mature (alternating nodes) first. You can switch to 12/12 but then it'll take longer to mature (no effect on yield).:peace:


Well-Known Member
If space is limited you have to flower it will double in height during flower. No reduction in quality from flowering early just less yield :peace:


Well-Known Member
So you must wait until they alternate other wise you will be waisting time in 12/12.
Now that you are so close to going 12/12 take out all the skinny branches, thin out anything that will not get light, basicly the lil twigs in the middle.
That plant is a Sativa, it's going to take quite a while to show it's flowers and it's going to double or triple in height during the first couple weeks of 12/12~ Always flower Sativas early so they don't get out of control lol

Also those leaves have a beautiful shape


Well-Known Member
That plant is a Sativa, it's going to take quite a while to show it's flowers and it's going to double or triple in height during the first couple weeks of 12/12~ Always flower Sativas early so they don't get out of control lol

Also those leaves have a beautiful shape
That's true it is a beautiful plant and a great looking sativa. It's going to be one big plant.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah if she's a sativa I say give her a good.... she will double or triple in size during flowering as other folks have said. Start early, and write down your heights when you flipped, and finishing heights for future reference - get to know your strain.

Also, I have found with sativas that you should really take off ALOT of the bottom branches... alot of people do the bottom 1\3 of the plant... I will take off even more... and leave the branch structure that is most exposed to the light, they will concentrate their energy to the area which will yield you the most.

Also, measure how much space your plants take up and adjust your plant total accordingly for the next run. Just because you have limited height doesn't mean you have to flower too early and not fill your canopy... you just need to figure out how many of those ladies you can fit in your area at the size in which they end up after flowering for a few months.


Well-Known Member
its for the best to flower now is space is a problem. Im doing my first sativa strain, still have bout 6 weeks to go and getting worried that they will exceed my space!


Well-Known Member
Yeah if she's a sativa I say give her a good.... she will double or triple in size during flowering as other folks have said. Start early, and write down your heights when you flipped, and finishing heights for future reference - get to know your strain.

Also, I have found with sativas that you should really take off ALOT of the bottom branches... alot of people do the bottom 1\3 of the plant... I will take off even more... and leave the branch structure that is most exposed to the light, they will concentrate their energy to the area which will yield you the most.

Also, measure how much space your plants take up and adjust your plant total accordingly for the next run. Just because you have limited height doesn't mean you have to flower too early and not fill your canopy... you just need to figure out how many of those ladies you can fit in your area at the size in which they end up after flowering for a few months.
Really it's just your giant sucker leaves you want to get rid of. If you get good enough light pen going there is no reason to remove lower branches unless they are FAR too low to produce buds and then it really should be the only bottom 1-2 sets of branches. If you're further off along in flowering to be worried about air flow and light pen then your plant is old enough to survive without the giant fan leaves~


Well-Known Member
Really it's just your giant sucker leaves you want to get rid of. If you get good enough light pen going there is no reason to remove lower branches unless they are FAR too low to produce buds and then it really should be the only bottom 1-2 sets of branches. If you're further off along in flowering to be worried about air flow and light pen then your plant is old enough to survive without the giant fan leaves~
This is one of those age old argument with growing cannabis that the two sides can never seem to agree on. I personally remove alot of branches, anything that doesn't real the top 1\3 of the plant is off... and then some!

I hate popcorn bud, and I've also found the lower branches don't produce well with my genetics. This probably varies from strain to strain, but in my personal case I would never leave the bottom 1\3 on the plant... it simply would get way too crowded and messy for my liking and I've tested this variable, the yield is the same if not worse with the bottom on. Again, it can be different for each person but this is how it works for me.