How long should i veg? odd situation

Hey guys this is my first post. i have been viewing the site for about a month now and i have to take a second to say that without discovering rollitup, i would have killed my babies several times by now. Thanks to the advice i found i am set up with a 250 watt hps in a 3x2 closet and things are going great for my first grow. however i have a small question that i could use some help with.

I have been growing 1 plant for about a month now and it is about 10-12 inches tall. i just recieved 4 sprouts from a friend and have them under the light as well. i have no other lights for the sprouts but i am saving up for a MH of about the same wattage. my goal for this grow is to get some good plants started so that i can clone them and then flower.

seeing as i can anticipate them doubling in size and the sprouts are just 2 inches tall at most, what would you recommend for veg time? i want to take clones from all 5 so that i can pick out my favorite strain. while the sprouts are closer to the light than the big plant, i am concerned that vegging for too long will result in the first plant growing huge and shading the rest. should i be worried about this and if so what would be the appropriate action to take? many thanks.


Active Member
You could move the big plant into a mother room, under some CFLs while those sprouts grow up. Then you can grow it's clones along with the sprouts clones at the same time. You'll just have to make sure you watch the big plant to reveal its sex.

Pretty sure that is all right, I don't know everything, yet, but I think that's a pretty good option.