How many days to harvest ?


Well-Known Member
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[h=2]When to Harvest – Head or body stone?[/h] There are many different active compounds in marijuana. Two of the main psychoactive compounds are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). It is generally thought that a higher percentage of THC gives a more cerebral, lighter high whilst a higher CBD content gives a heady, lethargic body stone.
During the flowering stage plants dramatically increase their THC content, towards the end of this phase the THC begins to degrade and CBD content increases.
Most growers wish to harvest marijuana plants when THC production has reached its maximum. A rough guide is to wait until around 60% of the white pistils have darkened.
Another method of determining when to harvest is through careful observation of the plant’s trichomes. Trichomes look like tiny hairs and form on the swelling buds. They are difficult to see with the naked eye so use a decent magnifying glass. Trichomes produce resin glands which in turn produce resin, which is rich in THC.
Initially trichomes are clear; they then turn a milky colour with THC production. As the THC degrades into CBD the trichomes darken and turn a golden brown colour.
The time to harvest your plants will depend on the desired effect. For maximum THC content, and consequently a lighter and more energetic high, harvest your plants when about 50% of trichomes have turned from clear to a milky colour. If you wait until the trichomes are mostly darkened to amber/brown you will get a heavier, lazy, stoned effect.
As a rule of thumb, the longer you leave it the heavier stone you’ll get.


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When to Harvest – Head or body stone?

There are many different active compounds in marijuana. Two of the main psychoactive compounds are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). It is generally thought that a higher percentage of THC gives a more cerebral, lighter high whilst a higher CBD content gives a heady, lethargic body stone.
During the flowering stage plants dramatically increase their THC content, towards the end of this phase the THC begins to degrade and CBD content increases.
Most growers wish to harvest marijuana plants when THC production has reached its maximum. A rough guide is to wait until around 60% of the white pistils have darkened.
Another method of determining when to harvest is through careful observation of the plant’s trichomes. Trichomes look like tiny hairs and form on the swelling buds. They are difficult to see with the naked eye so use a decent magnifying glass. Trichomes produce resin glands which in turn produce resin, which is rich in THC.
Initially trichomes are clear; they then turn a milky colour with THC production. As the THC degrades into CBD the trichomes darken and turn a golden brown colour.
The time to harvest your plants will depend on the desired effect. For maximum THC content, and consequently a lighter and more energetic high, harvest your plants when about 50% of trichomes have turned from clear to a milky colour. If you wait until the trichomes are mostly darkened to amber/brown you will get a heavier, lazy, stoned effect.
As a rule of thumb, the longer you leave it the heavier stone you’ll get.
Good info, but it needs a few corrections. CBD is naturally occuring in cannabis resin, which means thc doesn't degrade to CBD. In fact both share a common precursor(cbg). This means that the plant can't have a high amout of cbd and a high amount thc. When you talk about degregation you mean that THC degrades to CBN.


Well-Known Member
Good info, but it needs a few corrections. CBD is naturally occuring in cannabis resin, which means thc doesn't degrade to CBD. In fact both share a common precursor(cbg). This means that the plant can't have a high amout of cbd and a high amount thc. When you talk about degregation you mean that THC degrades to CBN.
lol yes, thanks for the point out ;) ................cannabinoid in depth ;)...................