How many seeds off of one plant?


Active Member
I want to breed some plants to have a large amount of seeds 50 to 100. How many female plants to I need to pollinate?


Well-Known Member
One branch on one female should give an amount within that range, the last branch I pollinated yielded 70+. If you pollinate a whole plant, you're looking at 100s of seeds.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
How long is a piece of string?

How big are your females going to be, how many receptive pistils are showing when you apply the pollen?

If you pollinate when the first preflower appears you will need about 100 plants - the later you leave it, the less plants you need :-)

... seriously, you can easily get 100+ seeds from a single female.


50 to 100 is not a lot of seeds at all. If properly done, you should easily be able to pull 100 seeds off of a couple of branches. One whole decent sized plant (over 2 1/2 feet) fully pollenated i would have to say would yield at least a thousand seeds, probably more. That is why everybody and his brother are trying to start breeding and selling seeds, 1 plant makes 500 seeds sell them for $5 a piece your one plant is worth 2500, which is a lot even for us.


Well-Known Member
the first time i bred i had used a paintbrush on a few buds but wanted to make certain that i got a hundred seeds or so. i got high and decided to be sure. i took the 2 males into the flower room to brush them over the tops. i shook them instead. there was this big puff of pollen. i got thousands of seeds. lol