How much weight do the buds lose with drying?


Well-Known Member
how much weight do the buds lose with drying? roughly.. from fresh to "dry".

does anyone know? Im interested :) mabey I can predict the "dry" weight just by weighing it right after harvesting.



actually it's 75%-80%, so 200 grams of wet bud will be about, 40 to 50 grams when completed drying........


hmm lol 2 of u says its 50% and another 2 says its 75%.

any more input?
it's definitely at least 75% usually it's closer to 80%, depends how moist you like your buds, but at 50% you would have trouble smoking it it would be so wet still......


Well-Known Member
but if I already started this question.. could u tell me how much does it seems to have on it atm? how much yield?

somebody told me its 1.5-2oz but mostly they said its 2.5-3.5oz.

whats ur opinion?



Well-Known Member
With all the buds on that plant trimmed, dries and cured you should end up with atleast 3 ounces. Mine usually lose 2/3's of the weight after drying and cured.Nice looking plant.


Well-Known Member
the majority rules, It all depends on how u like your buds, I know some people who like them moist, when others like it bone dry. Me personally, Im the Bone dry, roll it up and burn it kinda guy. I lose roughly 65 - 75% when said and done... and your plant looks good, my prediction is about 2 1/2 - 3oz.
Be sure to let us know how it turns out. Have you thought about how youre gonna cure yet?


Well-Known Member
I have have been reading about curing..

something like that:

1) I trim all the leaves and stems off. (and keep them for making hash)

2) I hang the buds upside-down in a dark place with temps around 70F.

3) after a week or so I try to bend the stem. the perfect time to take them is that point where it ALMOST snaps (u can feel it).

4) now I put them in a glass jar which has to be airproof. still they have to be in a dark place and temps should be same.

5) next day I check them and if the glass jar is moist inside I lay the buds out to get the last water out. I open the jar daily and if the glass jar wont get moist anymore the buds are "ready".

6) I put the glass jar into a fridge and let it be there for a week or so. temps should be over 0 Celsius so there's no risk for freezing the buds.

7) I take the buds out and... as a result I get a smooth, tasty and potent buds.

lol that was my concept of curing the buds. :blsmoke:

correct me if Im wrong please and tell me know if u have a better version or something to add.

thank you! :mrgreen: