How much would you charge for your services??


Active Member
If you wanted to grow mmj but had no place to do it. And someone had a place but no skill to do it.

So how much of the final product would you ask for in return for the services?
Cause itll be wasting your time gas and resources.
What percentage of product would be reasonable?
6o-40? For the person with the spot?


Well-Known Member
50 / 50

You're both depending on each other person needs the space, the other needs the skills. It's only fair.

Split the utility costs though...that's only fair as well


Active Member
Except when the owners house gets raided he gets fucked. 70-30 in favor of the owner. This is the people's court.


Well-Known Member
if ur gonna go in on something with someone you always wanna go 50 50 or dont go at all or it will 100% of the time end on bad terms lol trust me form personal exp
sounds like the other guy is putting up all the cash and taking most of the risk.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i think the idea of "sharing" a grow is doomed from the start, no matter who gets what cut. especially if one guy doesn't know what he's doing. makes more sense for the guy with the skill to rent the space and pay his own utilities and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
If you wanted to grow mmj but had no place to do it. And someone had a place but no skill to do it.

So how much of the final product would you ask for in return for the services?
Cause itll be wasting your time gas and resources.
What percentage of product would be reasonable?
6o-40? For the person with the spot?
"Reasonable" is whatever makes the two of you happy, honestly.

Don't forget there is not only startup costs of equipment, but also design and construction of the garden. Who is paying for THAT?

Maintaining a garden isn't trivial; you're talking work at least a few times a week, watering, sexing, pruning, harvest, drying.

If this is a legal grow, no risk, no issue.

If this is not a legal grow, I'd be disinclined to participate because legal risk to you of driving to the location several times a week, plus having someone else involved is high. Who is this other person and how well do you trust them? Are they capable of keeping their mouth shut about a grow?

How much you ask depends on how much your time is worth, and also how much work is involved.

Personally, if I agreed at all, I don't think I'd do it for less than 50-50, but I'd have to know EXACTLY what was involved in terms of size, scale, etc.


Well-Known Member
partners suck save up for your own thing is what i recommend. theres a lot of reasons i say this but if it aint legal fuck a partner, plus theres no guarantee hell put in his share of the work. especially if he doesn't know shit. on top of that in the end it better be someone you trust your life with... but for real man i wouldn't partner, get a job save cash then invest a ton and do it right by yourself.


Active Member
ive done it, 50/50 is fair, depending on what you are getting watt/gram ratio. Just make sure your partner doesnt overdose on xanax and loose his tits and his condo like mine did...


Active Member
Rather than argue about semantics, since the specifics of the situation wasn't revealed (who own's the equipment, paying the rent and utilities, how well you know the person etc) I would say don't do it unless you are willing to accept the risks of the situation if it backfires.. I agree with Total Head. You are basically going into business with this person, so I hope you know them well enough.


Active Member
Not to sound like a dick but I'd just smoke up anytime with him and keep the bud at my place...


Active Member
the best thing to do is to go in 50/50. The most important thing is the location, with no location there is no grow to begin with. And without equipment there is no grow. Just MAKE SURE you are not getting more than whoever your teaming with, this way they will never feel like you owe them something if shit starts going sour.


Well-Known Member
Anyone can grow Weed, thats why they call it WEED silly boy.
I have a bunch of friends that grow and if they have any ?? I'm more than
happy to help out.
Legalize Marijuana and then there won't be any of these ?s being asked cause no1 will be making $ but every1 will have all the Weed they need.


Well-Known Member
look you're going to end up in a shrink off anyway doing it that way. Thump him on the nose now get it over and done with and make it 100%


Well-Known Member
The only way i see you getting more than 50/50 is if your going to be over thre everyday. Because he will have to learn to live with a grow. And live the lifestyle of a serious grower. Especially if you thinking your about to go big for the cash. There will be issues that he must deal with when you are not there. so yea i think 50/50 is fair. But if he learns all the skills he can kick you out the equation and go all for himself.


Active Member
partners suck save up for your own thing is what i recommend. theres a lot of reasons i say this but if it aint legal fuck a partner, plus theres no guarantee hell put in his share of the work. especially if he doesn't know shit. on top of that in the end it better be someone you trust your life with... but for real man i wouldn't partner, get a job save cash then invest a ton and do it right by yourself.

im actually in the position right now.. i partnered up with a close relative.. and now after a year... he has not showed any interests in learning or doing work.. just getting his cut.. so wen i stopped giving him his cut.. cuz no work done.. he got pissed and wanted to fightand shit.. its like i live here.. my house.. my risk... my work... your start up cash... that i paid back the first harvest.. and he still wants to act like he owns all he shit.. its funny.. kuz if he thinks hes getting all of it.. he wont get a thing.. ill bounce with EVERYTHING.. ive done way to much work.. including settnig up the etire 15x20 room with 2 flower rooms a veg room and clone room.. i work 40-100 hours a week in the room.. he hasnt been here in 6 months.. so whats that say? dude.. save up.. and get ur own shit fuck partners.. if i could of done it myself i would have now i have to fight for MY WORK and shit.. its like dude ill give u half the equipment.. and no plants.. or i give u some clones of my strains i worked hard to pheno hunt.. and all that bullshit.. that goes along with it .. .. but i wana offer him mothers... and half equipment to bounce.


Active Member
Im not really in it for the mula.
But that is a perk. I just love growing and im the type of person that likes a busy schedule.
It would be her room her eqiptment just my knowledge. Im in it for the couple ozs maybe qp ill get in return along with getting more exsperiance. Thats what im really after. And more genetics.
Shell buy the seeds ill pop em find her sum keeps and get me sum clones.
Think if she has to buy the equip plus seeds think 70-30 is fair?
And risk is not really big. Im a med grower. So first offense is usually a slap on the wrist rigjt?