How to go about properly dosing my Candy/edibles


Active Member
Hey everyone! ive been making edibles and hard candies for quite some time now! ive used alcohol based tincture (which i dont really like) and canna coconut oil (which i really like) and Canna coconut Hash oil (which i really really like)!! Its most convenient for me to use canna coconut oil because i have availability to good quality trimmings and shake.....My question is, how do i go about increasing the potency of my candys for instance: my recipe 3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup canna oil(i add towards the end), 1/4 cup syrup, color, flavor etc.. i would consider that one dose...yes or no? and for when i want to increase my potency what i have been doing is instead of using regular sugar i am using thc infused sugar (am i wasting product by using thc sugar because of the high heat?) i want to be able to comfortably say this is a 1xmedicated sucker(with mg available) this is a 2xmedicated this is a 3x medicated. get my jiffy?!?1 any gurus out their that lend a knowledge dump would be GREAT! one love! also to anyone who attended cannabis cup! wasnt it amazing =) learned so much!


Active Member
well first you need to know how many mg of thc are in that 1/2 cup of oil. without knowing that or at the very least the grams of cannabis it had during the extraction process. if u wanted each candy to be a single dose of 60mg or .5 grams then that 1/2 cup needs to contain 60mg multiplied by number of doses you want. to make stronger doses u can just multiple 60mg by desired dosage and then use that as your multiplier with number of doses. i suggest making it as stong as ur maximum dosage and dilute the oil later for lower dose strength. hope that made sense. ive had 5 dabs and half a 20 dose edible :lol:


Active Member
well first you need to know how many mg of thc are in that 1/2 cup of oil. without knowing that or at the very least the grams of cannabis it had during the extraction process. if u wanted each candy to be a single dose of 60mg or .5 grams then that 1/2 cup needs to contain 60mg multiplied by number of doses you want. to make stronger doses u can just multiple 60mg by desired dosage and then use that as your multiplier with number of doses. i suggest making it as stong as ur maximum dosage and dilute the oil later for lower dose strength. hope that made sense. ive had 5 dabs and half a 20 dose edible :lol:
I see. I like the concept of making a potent a canna oil then diluting it with more oil. But by doing so would the Thc still adhere to the fats in the added oil? Also i've recently started researching and using soy lecithin with my edibles have you had experience with this ingredient, the creator of the magic butter introduced me to it =) stoked! Ive read nothing but good review with its use. Ok that aside. How do i go about figuring out how many mg are in a half cup? I use a mixture of good quality shake, little buds, and sugar leaf. I am able to do separate batches for instance a batch of of Great White Canna oil (100% saliva) or batch with Queen Widow (80I/20S) so thats about as far as i go lol but damnit i want to figure it out. im not fully comprehending your 60mg multiplied by number of doses suggestion. Not your dabs fault but more so my mathematically challenged brain! (Just kidding) but seriously.

When i make my Canna Coconut oil. I use 8-10 cups Coconut, 10 cups water, and 2-3oz quality shake.....its been working just peachy for months i make my candy,cakes, everything with it. Any Constructive criticism would be helpful though


Active Member
the thc doesnt need to bond to the added oil my friend as the already infused oil will easily dilute if you stir. its like adding sweetener to iced tea. i dont have any experience with soy lecithin as our good are baked for commercial consumption so we try to keep overhead at a minimum. i dont know how else to explAin the math tho. to make a 5x dose you need less oil or more herb. id try 84grams herb to 3 cups oil. thats 1/2 oz per 1/2 cup


Well-Known Member
Extract you material with iso, butane, etc. first. Then mix at about 80mg extract per dose. I've made edibles strong enough to be used for date rape drugs this way.


Active Member
dont assume he has the capabilities or means to do an iso or bho run. economically its not worth it. i can have my product i patients hands before you could finish purging tane off ur bho let alone begin baking. not to mention butter extractions are safer and legal. we get 60mg of 97% activated canabinoids per dose with no iso/bho involved. i prefer to dab my wax. have 20+ grams of purple kush in the vac chamber now actually and just pulled 20+ og kush last night. ima be dabbing my ass off this weekend lol


Active Member
thats fkn awesome man! lol

Ok i got the math down i was just zoned last night thinking too hard haha!

ok i will make a potent ass batch!!!!!