How to help buds turn purple? Any thoughts/ideas/knowledge? PICS of my GDP!


Well-Known Member
this is an interesting topic man...cus I didnt know you can force flower colors by sticking the dry buds in the fridge..has anyone else ever done this?

What if you simply put the plant in the fridge a few days before you cut and dry it??Will it die?

or can you use the fresh buds??they wont rot if you cover them somehow..with saran wrap..or get a mason jar!!
dude fuck the fridge off if your that eager it might just be worth it to find a secluded plac in the ottom of some hills whereit normally gets colder sit it there for a few weeks and yourbud will mostlikely go purple

that being said you have some factors to look at
ie (the weather outsider, light hours all dont want to throw your babys outside in the wrong environment.. it may get thrown in a loop wher it dont know if it wants to veg or bud timing is the key here.

but id d that before i used a fridge... even just get something to drop the temp in the grow room wouldnt that make more sense

p.s sorry for going off topic
but you have your answer everyone, me included said cold, now you can use colouring and all that it works best just before harvest and if you starve it of water beforehand

Next youll be shaking a coke can over your bud to make it look kick arse the way your goin on about things, my adice is research.. google is your friend


i know this is 2.5 years late but.... im using 400w hps as well on 4 GDP clones and im only 5 weeks in flower and got 8-10 inch knots all over and startin to get purp in core and tips of bud (cant see in pics. cell phone camera in HPS spectrum make shitty pics). it may have been the grow tent tho idk
tenin.jpg hand.jpg <--- those are the side branches. vegged high 80s low 90s till i upgraded for flower now 70-80s