How to plant 500+ plants outdoors.


Well-Known Member
That’s how most of these recently new farmers in Oklahoma think its done , plant massive amounts of plants and spray salt based fertilizer down and call it medicine, these old wheat farmers down here think that’s how you commercially grow top shelf , but for hemp used for anything other than consumption that seems like the way to grow


Well-Known Member
I have a grow I started for fun with a bunch of bag seed into 1 5 gal. fabric pot.

Started with about 100 seeds.

Lost about 7 due to weather and have a few runts. Messed up on the nutrients...but I'll be alright I think.

Chugging along. First time growing outdoor photoperiods. But I'd do it by hand to weed out runts and it takes a single night to transplant hundreds using a pool of dirt and 1 gallon pots.

Pre mix and scoop it up. Pack down and keep it moving. Bet a hydro set up would be vastly better yields.




Well-Known Member
A person used to farm labor could do 500 in a couple of days. Really depends on how your field is prepared, available water, temperature outside.


Well-Known Member
First buy a license. Then put up a fence. Next line up buyers because you ain't smoking 500 plants.

Growing it is the easy part.