How would you deal with these mites?


Active Member
Ok guys so I ended up getting some buds that have tons of tiny webs and white specs all over.

I'm gonna try and get the guy to exchange it but you know it's not exactly like buyin a shirt and taking it back lol.

Where I am it's $350 for an oz and I don't want to waste it. I was thinking of putting it in the fridge over-night and then take a paper towel and clean them up in the morning and all mites should be certainly dead?


Well-Known Member
Mites don't live in dried bud they only like living plants. They left as soon as it was chopped and are long gone already.


Well-Known Member
When I had mites they died in the buds and they popped, it was shitty. If it already has webs then it is going to be almost impossible to get rid of them especially if your into flowering, too much pesticides will make the buds taste horrible. You can use pyrethin spray made by doctor doom but stop 4 weeks before they are ready.


Well-Known Member
then there is nothing you can do just make some hash and try again. Thoroughly clean your room and user a pyrethin bomb.


Active Member
Alright makes sense but i'm not growin it just consuming it. I posted here since it was the only health related area of the forum.

The first two pictures are the day I got it. If you can see there are no white specs on it.

The rest are pictures I took today. I'm extremely shocked to see it up close although I don't have a microscope to see anything really close it's pretty freaky.

Any ideas what these white specs are and why they would have come after I got it?

Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
the white specks are mites, the webs are made by the spidermites. No one will buy that weed, don't try to sell off infested weed. Count it as a loss and start over.
Why did you wait so long to try and do something about it?


Active Member
Like I said dude I don't grow and didn't grow this. I bought this from my bud guy and these mites started showing up since yesterday.


Well-Known Member
haha its funny how no one really reads the thread first.

since i believe the other posters are right in saying the mites will leave once harvested it can only be two things. mite feces or the molted shells left behind. it looks like the grower had a bad infestation and is trying to prevent losing his investment. id be pissed, get your money back!


Well-Known Member
Like I said dude I don't grow and didn't grow this. I bought this from my bud guy and these mites started showing up since yesterday.
People don't read so hot I guess. There's not a whole lot that you can do. If they are spidermites they are almost certainly gone by now.

If it's something else it's hard to say what it is.

Could try your method putting in the fridge and trying to wipe them off. I don't really think it would be a problem to burn it anyway, a little extra protein for you.

As a percentage of mass they are nothing. Wouldn't worry too much, I would just be worried about it being mold and/or bud rot and the pics aren't really close up enough to tell.

Absolute worst case I'd be making some cannabutter and lots of edibles. I certainly couldn't waste it and I often do that with lower grade or f*ed up bud just so I can still enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
btw radio shack sells a 100X microscope for like 11 dollars, pick it up and find out what your smoking. it beats getting sick.


Well-Known Member
Like I said dude I don't grow and didn't grow this. I bought this from my bud guy and these mites started showing up since yesterday.
haha i dont think he even read your post.... just the title:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

im pretty sure people just smoke em anyway or make hash/oil/butter;-)


Active Member
btw radio shack sells a 100X microscope for like 11 dollars, pick it up and find out what your smoking. it beats getting sick.
Ok dude I went and picked up the microscope (excellent advice) and looked at what I got. There was definitely a bad mites infestation because there are spider web strands all through out the buds and well from the pics you can see that (didn't need the microscope for that although it definitely shows). :spew:

What is interesting though is what those white specs you can see in the pictures are. The do not appear to be feces. They don't have any resemblence to the pictures i've seen of mites. They rather are a clear stem with a white snowball/cotton looking sphere on the end. Honestly it looks like a tiny mushroom.

I got it slightly wet and I left it in the zip-lock that it came in. It might very well be mold mushrooms that grew on it. I'm going to try and attach a picture but my camera doesn't fair very well at macro level.

Thanks in advance for ur help guys!



Well-Known Member
Ok dude I went and picked up the microscope (excellent advice) and looked at what I got. There was definitely a bad mites infestation because there are spider web strands all through out the buds and well from the pics you can see that (didn't need the microscope for that although it definitely shows). :spew:

What is interesting though is what those white specs you can see in the pictures are. The do not appear to be feces. They don't have any resemblence to the pictures i've seen of mites. They rather are a clear stem with a white snowball/cotton looking sphere on the end. Honestly it looks like a tiny mushroom.

I got it slightly wet and I left it in the zip-lock that it came in. It might very well be mold mushrooms that grew on it. I'm going to try and attach a picture but my camera doesn't fair very well at macro level.

Thanks in advance for ur help guys!
eggs boss ;-)