HSO Blue Dream Grow


Well-Known Member
I hope i get at least 4 oz off her buat will be happy with three but who knows till the end!! Just started to feed her some AN Nirvana so hopefully she starts to swell in the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Well guys a few more weeks more like 3 to 4 but they're beefin up and smellin beautiful like blueberry skunky sweetness!!! My leaves are feeling a little dry but i think that has something to do with the loooowww humidity around 15% to 16%. Otherwise everything is kosher here in grow land.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro. I have humidity issues all the time too. If it gets too high, I'm at risk for mold developing inside the buds. If it gets too low my leaves start to get hard and more brittle like you said.

I like how you have those 4 big towers in the corners. Sometimes thats just the way they take off. Are you able to get enough light down into the rest of them in the center then?

Lookin great ! Thanks for the update.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my last few grows i have been training my plants that way and yes it kets alot of light to the middle of the plant . I have a big ass cfl also at he bottom to get even more light so i have less popcorn and more bigger buds at the bottom and in the middle. here is a pic of my Sour D same style of grow.



Well-Known Member
So doing it this way, what type of yields have you been getting?

can I sell you on scrogging? Cuz me thinks you could kick some ass with a net, get those center colas near as beefy as those corner beast you got going on. Popcorn would be a thing of the past, trimming is easier.

Grow looks great man, not saying it isn't. Just tossing a couple pennies your way :)


Look's Awesome, I Got some HSO BlueDreams Going @ 2 1/2 Weeks so far, 3 seeds, 3 Popped.

1 has a sativa'ish look, gonna keep an eye on it. They all seem to veg very nicely, and clones easily.

Can't wait to see your finished product


Well-Known Member
Never tried Scrog just leery of trying new things i guess lol. But as far as yields doing the technique I've been doing fairly well been getting 4 oz per plant but there is always room for improvement :hump:. Like to have more room for a scrog though and and your right love to have some more beef in the middle .And thanks Spandy for the insight always open for new suggestions . And Jcon got any pics of your grow? And I will keep you all posted through the rest of the grow.


Well-Known Member
Well just an update she smells and looks so goooood!!! Can't wait till she is done MERRY JANUARY TO ME!!! 6 weeks into flowering and my colas are huge didn't think they good get any bigger but she surprises me every day.


Well-Known Member
when i ordered them i had them remove from breeders packs , but i think you can get one of those tiny screwdrivers and pry around the rubber stopper where the wood meets the glue and pry it outta there. Or you can stab something through the rubber stopper and use needle nose pliers to pull out rubber.