Humidity Concern!!

I have a humidifier yet it's not automatic. I have been keeping an eye and trying to maintain my grow tent around 60% rh yet it fluctuates from 58 to 63 in less than 30 minutes when the lights go off. Is 5% maybe even 10% difference for a short period of time going to stress out my girls?


Well-Known Member
yet it fluctuates from 58 to 63 in less than 30 minutes when the lights go off.
This is because when the lights go out the plants stomata remain open for a while, transpiring moisture. If your ventilation system cuts out when the lights go off then the RH% can spike. Often a dehumidifier is required.

Just be ready to prevent that lights out spike during flowering. The change in humidity isn't a problem but high humidity during flower is an issue because you can get botrytis (bud rot) if the RH% goes above 50% and you have good sized buds.