hypothetically got shorted on a bag, what would you do?


Well-Known Member
wow ya if he is scared of guns.. maybe he shouldnt be ripping people off he knows owns them lol... crazy what people will do to their friends just for a fix


New Member
A good ass beating would make you feel better. I have been in and out of his house, he knows I have guns, I know he doesnt. he was too afraid to fire .243 when we were smokin a blunt at my buddies property because it was too loud. Im just thinking molotov cocktail to a car....he has a civic with a blown motor and no tags, its his only set of wheels, lives with mom. I've done coke less than ten times in my life. I have never been a habitual user of the drug.
You my friend are an idiot you just said you don't sniff snow... now you're talking about guns and cocktails I bet your 15 max

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
cut off 3 of his fingers. 5 grams a finger. 3 fingers for the 15 grams he ripped you off. that should teach him a lesson for fucking with you.


Well-Known Member
I don't touch coke, and haven't for 8 years. I only tried it when I did, because I enjoyed new experiences at that point in my life.


Active Member
Thats explains why I said he shouldnt retaliate and just take it as a lesson learned.. unless prison is on your bucket list lol
lol yea i dont recommend it unless u like showering with other guys n eating artificial bologna sandwiches everyday and seeing guys with mops on their head eating hormone pills sucking dick 4 ciggarettes in the bathroom while ur trying to take a shit


Well-Known Member
lol yea i dont recommend it unless u like showering with other guys n eating artificial bologna sandwiches everyday and seeing guys with mops on their head eating hormone pills sucking dick 4 ciggarettes in the bathroom while ur trying to take a shit
See this and the first 48 makes me never want to get into trouble again... my quality of life>15grams of anything.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Dr, I was actually commenting on the dickface whose accusing me of being 15. leading me to believe he's 18, tops. I was born october 22nd, 1984

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Dr, I was actually commenting on the dickface whose accusing me of being 15. leading me to believe he's 18, tops. I was born october 22nd, 1984
my bad, it came right after I posted so I was wondering what your post meant, lol

and don't take anything I say serious. I come on here for shits and giggles and have fun posting shit.


New Member
Dr, I was actually commenting on the dickface whose accusing me of being 15. leading me to believe he's 18, tops. I was born october 22nd, 1984
I think you were commenting on my post not on me but if you like commenting on dudes that's cool....

I am pretty sure there's a few more of you on here


Well-Known Member
An old lady once told me her secrets to a garden of purity and excellence, sadly, I got stoned and forgot them. ;)


Well-Known Member
A good ass beating would make you feel better. I have been in and out of his house, he knows I have guns, I know he doesnt. he was too afraid to fire .243 when we were smokin a blunt at my buddies property because it was too loud. Im just thinking molotov cocktail to a car....he has a civic with a blown motor and no tags, its his only set of wheels, lives with mom. I've done coke less than ten times in my life. I have never been a habitual user of the drug.
sounds like a good way to go to prison