Okay, I've got several, but I'll save some for later.
This was 1975 and I was in high school at that time. So it was Xmas day and my parents were having a big party/dinner and wanted me to be present. I had a part time job jerkin gas. Now back in the day, all stations were manned by someone and most folks never got out of their car. I even used to do pretty well on tips ... it was the perfect high school job.
So I had to work Xmas day on my schedule and couldn't get out of it, but I really didn't want to expecting a BIG tip day. Well, I had a close buddy who said he wasn't doing much and he could take my shift. I asked my boss and he said OK (times have changed folks).
It was a pretty darn cold Xmas day as I recall, and right around 6'oclock, the shift would be over and the station closed early. I leave the party and drove the 7 miles to the station where my friend "Chuck" is huddled in the pretty much all glass front room smokin a cig and sitting right in front of the heater.
My buddy did a great job and earned some good tip money for himself early on, but the money wonder had worn off and it had been dead for 2 hours and now he was concentrating on how cold he was. He complained that everyone was drunk and he couldn't feel his fingers anymore. He just wasn't used to it....
So right after this, a car pulls up to one of the pumps, and I'm like , hey dude, I'll get it, you just stay right here on the heater. My buddy was like, oh man, thanks.
I go out there to the car and it was an amazingly beautiful woman completely buck naked!! Now I was not the man I am today....I was 16. After closing my mouth, she rolled the window down, ahem which perked things up for both of us, she asks me how to get to NYC. She was definitely messed up and must have been doing something heavy. I was like a robot though..... go 4 miles down 17 and take 3 east and u'll hit the tunnel. I had been asked that question so many times, it was simply automatic.
After going back and forth comically a few times, uhhh no, route 3, 4 miles down...not route 4, 3 miles down ...etc. She kept saying it backwards as she was laughing. She finally gets it. I'm telling you all I could basically do was stare at her really beautiful tits which were at full attention.
She then just looks up at me and says, wanna go somewhere and party? Now I'm dying inside at this point. She was beautiful and quite naked ... ahem ... and WILLING!!
But alas, Cracker has always been level headed. I knew we had all this company and my parents wanted me there and to return to the party the nice kid I left as. Then there was my buddy freezing his arse off inside the glass office. I couldn't leave him there.
I apologized to the lady, and told her I just couldn't, even though I really really would like to. She was definitely glazed, and understood. Smiling sweetly she gave me a nice fat joint as a tip ans said, maybe next time. She driove off finally and left me there, exhilerated in the freezing temps.
Of course when I got back inside, my buddy was like, what took you so long? I smiled and told him the whole story.... man, he got super pissed off..... 4 %#&*^$ hours and you walk in and the FIRST customer is that lady!!!! U &$%#@#$ bastard!!!
Then I whipped out the fattie,and he about died. We toked that puppy up after turning the station lights off and then went on home.
I have another story which happened later that night, but I'll wait a bit. It was quite a day and night ...