I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

It sounds like a lot of work, I'll do it later, lol. I have my own fun in my own mind to keep me busy. Listen, I haven't smoked in a while, but that's just because I have kids and I don't like to get all buzzed in front of kids. Doesn't mean I'll never do it again...but, well, pot gives me hope and I've learned to live without that for now!

Its all good. I understand that you must be busy with your kids.

Its only My autobiography. I already have over 7 thousand views in that thread. Its more geared towards My personal Spirituality, and My prophecies, and whatnot. It should be an interesting read, when you have time.

I still like to talk about crazy $hit.

I watched.

Btw I'm actually the messiah bro.

But in all seriousness look up Russian jesus on vice, he's way ahead ofyou, motherfucka gots a commune and shit like the hippies used todobut he's jesus.

He'd out jesus you any day, he's even got abook.

I could care less if a cult leader owns their own country. What matters to Me is after I die. After I die, I want all of My good prophecies to be fulfilled. I want to be remembered forever as the Prophet- the Christ.

There will always be cult leaders, but there will only be One Christ of this AGE, and thats Me.

I just want to be remembered after I die because if everyone remembers Me, everyone will remember My prophecies: and if everyone remembers My prophecies, the world will bloom with felicity.

If I am remembered, people will live much better lives if they apply My principals. People will demand only the best for themselves and for posterity. The whole world will bloom into a Garden Paradise, a real utopia.

Wow hello you, have you done anything that has led you to believe this, any weird happenings lately.

Can you let us know about the most significant experience that has led you to believe in your self yet again, christ.

I first had My apotheosis in August of 2008. Here is the curtailed story:

My x fiance just broke up with Me (in 2008 ) and I was starving Myself, I couldnt eat because I would just puke up My food anyways. I just moved back from My house in Maine to My dads house in Massachusetts. I had a lot of marijuana because I was growing in My house in Maine. I was getting super stoned every day at this point in My Life.

Anyways, I looked up what My Name means and I found out that My initials backwards is OMG. I found out that My Name, George Manuel Oliveira, means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree." And I found out that My initials, GMO, is OMG backwards; and I found both of these things out within a week of eachother. I was just getting into all of the conspiracy theories at the time and I was already trying to start a revolution against the government. I figured, I must be "Jesus". Like I said, I was very stoned at the time, and this happened in August of 2008, right after My 23rd birthday.

Ever since I first started to believe that I am the Christ, I have been believing it every day; so its been about 6 years now.

Then, in 2009, I was in a mental hospital for about 5 months, and I read the Bible for the first time. I found out all of the paralells that I have to Biblical stories. And I have been coming up with prophecies too.

Between My Name, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and My prophecies, I believe that I am the Christ. Its a combination of many things.

At the very least, I am the greatest Prophet that speaks for Christ- Myself.

Wow, it's like no one even moderates this forum anymore. ;)

Hey Heisenberg! Where have you been, man?

I havent seen you make a post for a long time. How are you doing?

Have you been enjoying the warm weather?

EDIT- We still have Padawanbater2 that posts in this subforum, hes a mod too, like you.

Do you own a dog, spell it backwards yes you got it. Its a sign, no wait its dog spelt backwards.

What do you like watching on tv the most please, i have a wicked sense of humour and can pretty much sum you up with your fav tv program. Is it hollyoaks no wait is it the news by any chance, I never like the way they look directly at you, must be a sign.

I don't watch TV during the day time that much, but I usually watch Christian TV at night time.

I don't believe much of the Christian dogma, but its entertaining for Me to watch.

first epithet drop... I thought the video was a parody, but read the tube notes and one of their students helped them produce this to better represent their church... maybe.

it really was a waste of 3:00 minutes, even though it had some slight production value.
george, days i believe that YOU don't even believe your own bs.... just only, you go further than most to stay within character. at least i hope for your sake, that it to be true. life's challenging enough without alienation yourself from damn near all. by all means carry on but keep the psychosis level stuff out.... like you claim to attempt when not in the matrix.

You do have some creative ideas if you left your ego behind along w/ the wholemessianicmess. Also talk louder when you make a video, show some emotion!! good luck man
george, days i believe that YOU don't even believe your own bs.... just only, you go further than most to stay within character. at least i hope for your sake, that it to be true. life's challenging enough without alienation yourself from damn near all. by all means carry on but keep the psychosis level stuff out.... like you claim to attempt when not in the matrix.

You do have some creative ideas if you left your ego behind along w/ the wholemessianicmess. Also talk louder when you make a video, show some emotion!! good luck man

(Abe Supercro, I'm actually thinking about moving back to My house in Maine to grow marijuana with My brother, in a couple years or so. My brother is a medical marijuana patient. Anyways, in another thread you said I should grow by Myself, but I could use the company and My brother is a good grower too.)

To get back on topic, and to give a rebuttal to your last post: I can be apathetic in real life. But I'm super glad that you got a chance to watch My videos.
