I believe in God, He is REAL to me!

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Well-Known Member
Quit calling me "killa" and "playboy". You're not very intelligent and you quote half sentences.

Youre a joke. Period.

The story is a crock of shit and so is everything you say.


Well-Known Member
probaly because he is about PEACE? and always leaves threads that get...abnormally negative. :bigjoint:

i didnt see that

we will agree to disagree. my intuition is proven with true credentials. nothing i can/will try to convince anyone of in cyber space. but i trust it from years of honing plus a proven track record. real recognize real. ;-)

pump your brakes, killa. i haven't attacked or said anything negative, playful, or in any way other than with the UTMOST sincerity. i'm real because i consistently demonstrate it. not because of any games i can play.

i'll say it again...:peace:
You're a real piece of work is what you are.
People like you make me sick


Well-Known Member
You've been indoctrinated from birth haven't you? :lol:

Can you show me one piece of biblical proof? Where did those pesky stone tablets with the 10 commandments run off to? How about that ark? Whatever happened to the tree of knowledge?

You didn't give any kind of reasoning for churches to demand 10% of every parishioners income. Where does that money go? They claim charity but have you ever got a look at their books? I wonder how much just one of those fancy organ pipes cost.

Where in the bible does it specify 10% in cold hard cash?

My neighbor plants 2 crops in the same field, shall we stone him? I'm sure we're all guilty of mixing fabrics that we wear on our bodies, which is punishable by ....... death !
come on. miss. i responded to much of this, already (you were here). i can't explain anything to human intellect. i can only tell you how real He IS to me. am i attacking your lack of a belief? let's keep this in perspective.

man has perverted spirituality with religion you all agree to that.

last time...

"...the greatest trick..."

"...the things of God are NOT carnally discerned..."

trust me miss, i understand the inability of the mind to perceive this. i am somewhat intelligent. i demonstrate it from time to time. but this is REAL, and i can't make it add up scientifically. that's why it is about faith. yes in the unseen, because in no time it becomes clearly visible (don't come with no scientific explanation for this, anybody :wall:). if it were that simple, God could not be our creator, and satan would be the weakest adversary ever (without a tool to assist him, such as the all powerful tool of deception).


Well-Known Member
Dont pray, we are part of GOD'S divine plan... Dont worry about us.. We're just living out God's plan... No need to pray and try to alter what God's doing... he's got his divine plan under control...
satan has a plan, as well as authority to execute it. ;-)there's no control. control?


Well-Known Member
Actually... You fail because you are a dishonest person and lying always catches up to you. THIS is what you claimed.
why don't you and your homie (the one who's always ignored) start a thread about it. this one was began about a different topic. if you want to cuss me out or talk tough...PM!


New Member
"...the things of God are NOT carnally discerned..."

this doesn't answer jack shit. It doesn't answer where the proof is. It doesn't answer where the money goes, it's a fancy way of saying I don't know but like a sheep I'll follow the sayers over the cliff because it's not for me to know why I'm going over the cliff, it's only for me to know that I should go over the cliff.

Since you obviously follow your faith blindly, why don't you just answer, "I follow my faith blindly and can not answer the question" ?


Well-Known Member
Quit calling me "killa" and "playboy". You're not very intelligent and you quote half sentences.

Youre a joke. Period.

The story is a crock of shit and so is everything you say.
then i am sure you have something more important to do...:?::wall: did your homie respond yet? let me see...


Well-Known Member
"...the things of God are NOT carnally discerned..."

this doesn't answer jack shit. It doesn't answer where the proof is. It doesn't answer where the money goes, it's a fancy way of saying I don't know but like a sheep I'll follow the sayers over the cliff because it's not for me to know why I'm going over the cliff, it's only for me to know that I should go over the cliff.

Since you obviously follow your faith blindly, why don't you just answer, "I follow my faith blindly and can not answer the question" ?
ok doc. what have you PROVEN with your nonsensical, believe-it-because-it-sounds-good crap? it's gettin pretty negative, here :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
why don't you and your homie (the one who's always ignored) start a thread about it. this one was began about a different topic. if you want to cuss me out or talk tough...PM!
Cuss you out?.... Never did this.

Talk tough... Never did this.

However, you have name called and have been condescending from the moment you began talk on the "Do you believe in God?" thread.

You're a joke.


Well-Known Member
However, you have name called and have been condescending from the moment you began talk on the "Do you believe in God?" thread.

You're a joke.
and you conclude facts? :lol::lol::lol:


it's emotion and you are aught in the snare right now. you are being manipulated.

by name calling, are you referring to the sincere terms i associated with you out of respect? dig that. ok...icurbyou...you are obviously looking to make yet another enemy. you have been all of your accusations...and some.

roseman is respected among this community...and you...well, you have numbers. i'll bet your hood...excuse me for my...ethnicity...your community has high regards and respect for you as a...man or woman.

take the hate to PM. whats so hard about that? :wall:


Well-Known Member
then i am sure you have something more important to do...:?::wall: did your homie respond yet? let me see...
When are you going to realize no one is on here in cliques trying to defend eachother.

He and I share the same opinion just because that is true doesn't mean this is a game of who has more friends......

EVERYONE EXCEPT YOU is here to voice THEIR OWN opinion.

Obviously you are here to play elementary school games and spew bible thumping bullshit?


New Member
What have you proven other than you have no answers so your only answer is not carnally discerned?

car·nal 1 a: relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites b: marked by sexuality

So leaving sex out of it, where's this god proof?

ok doc. what have you PROVEN with your nonsensical, believe-it-because-it-sounds-good crap? it's gettin pretty negative, here :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
why is everybody fighting? do i close another thread? ban another asshole? wtf is going on around here?


Well-Known Member
and you conclude facts? :lol::lol::lol:


it's emotion and you are aught in the snare right now. you are being manipulated.

by name calling, are you referring to the sincere terms i associated with you out of respect? dig that. ok...icurbyou...you are obviously looking to make yet another enemy. you have been all of your accusations...and some.

roseman is respected among this community...and you...well, you have numbers. i'll bet your hood...excuse me for my...ethnicity...your community has high regards and respect for you as a...man or woman.

take the hate to PM. whats so hard about that? :wall:

i haven't read much of any of these threads but i notice your avatar in ALL of them. is it you causing all this? :fire:

who is it? i want their head for my pole. :fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess it is old greenie huh, I have not been paying much attention to him but its hard when he his everywhere.
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