I can ride my bike with no handlebars


Well-Known Member
All the song needs is a video with some cool low rider cars,a bunch of guys looking tough & some pretty girls & its a top 10 hit.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to KROQ the morning DJs had listeners call in and give their opinions on what the song meant. One of them called in and I really agreed with what he had to say. He said that the whole song is a metaphor for the war in Iraq and the first person voice in the verse that says "My Power is Pure" is President Bush. The line about taking apart the remote control and almost put it back together is a metaphor Iraq. The remote control is Iraq and president Bush thought he could remove Sadaam (taking apart the remote control) and he almost put it back together (personally I don't think he came anywhere close but I think the song isn't implying that it was almost put back together.
After that caller had finished what he had to say the DJ's got the person who wrote and performed the song on the phone and asked what he was thinking when he wrote the song. The artist said he didn't want to take away what anyone thought about the song but the overarching theme is that people can affect change on the world in a positive or negative way and that human ingenuity can be used to destroy lives or save them. He also said that he was proud of people who are willing to give their lives for their country but that it's sad because that sort of selfless sacrifice is only directed toward war (rather than peacekeeping or humanitarian efforts).
With that said I love the song and I think it has some very provocative and powerful messages.


Well-Known Member
I love the song and I think it has some very provocative and powerful messages.
Not to argue or nit pick but the messages are exactly why i dislike it,to me music is supposed to be uplifting & fun,a sound that i can get lost in,music with a message is lost on me,ive lived long enough & seen enough bad shit in person that i cant even watch much news anymore,the bad shit makes me want to puke.

I went through all the political music in the 60's & 70's & i enjoyed it then but now shit like that just depresses me to no end,the longer i live the more i know shit stays the same.

Gimme a Miles Davis tune with no vocals & im good to go.


Well-Known Member
dope as fuck! I would totally buy a CD if I could find it locally(or if they've even made one). It's nice to hear rap that isn't about killing, jacking, bucking, drug sales, and "bitches". Also it matches my mind as far as being random as hell yet it still comes together to form a sound thought.

copied from the youtube comments:
lol, ummm he's portraying different types of american mind sets, he starts of with childish bragging, that he can right his bike without handlebars and it's like, ok, that's pretty harmless, then he's an enthusiastic teenager bragging, then he's and adult which melts into corporate America bragging about it's handy work, then it gets serious, the Government bragging about it's misdeed and what it can do at will without resistance, then back to the harmless childish brag..about handlebars


Active Member
Dude I love Flobots I got to see them live in Denver; awesome band. The sound is so sick and unique. Check out "We are Winning" if you haven't; I like it more now that I burned out on Handlebars :p


Well-Known Member
i like that song by em reminds me of some ol rage against the machine except with out the metal overtones...not sure bout the other songs....peace az