I can't Believe they were Allowed to do this to our Food. Yuck.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm not really annoyed with the fact that companies do whatever they can to make a buck or conceal things. that's capitalism.

what does annoy me is the FDA is supposed to keep crazy shit to a minimum but they really only serve lobbyists. they list MSG (monosodium glutamate) as "natural" and allow false labeling of several dozen additives, and then tell us to read the labels. the whole outfit is a sham.

my main concern is that even people with "self control and common sense" who take the time to read labels and figure out what they are eating are being duped by the very group that was set up to protect them. john q. citizen cannot be reasonably expected to spend an entire decade of his life researching to the point where he can understand what the labels are really saying (that day).

so am i upset that mcdonald's puts "pink slime" in their meat? a little. what upsets me more is the "100% beef" claim that's still made on the wrapper.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i'm not really annoyed with the fact that companies do whatever they can to make a buck or conceal things. that's capitalism.

what does annoy me is the FDA is supposed to keep crazy shit to a minimum but they really only serve lobbyists. they list MSG (monosodium glutamate) as "natural" and allow false labeling of several dozen additives, and then tell us to read the labels. the whole outfit is a sham.

my main concern is that even people with "self control and common sense" who take the time to read labels and figure out what they are eating are being duped by the very group that was set up to protect them. john q. citizen cannot be reasonably expected to spend an entire decade of his life researching to the point where he can understand what the labels are really saying (that day).

so am i upset that mcdonald's puts "pink slime" in their meat? a little. what upsets me more is the "100% american beef" claim that's still made on the wrapper.
No, that's dishonesty. If you want to make money selling filler and chemicals, and you market it as filler and chemicals, that is capitalism. To market it as beef is dishonest and should be illegal.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
No, that's dishonesty. If you want to make money selling filler and chemicals, and you market it as filler and chemicals, that is capitalism. To market it as beef is dishonest and should be illegal.

that's the thing. there are enough (paid for) loopholes for them to where it is NOT illegal right now, so who's more evil? mcdonald's or the fda? as far as i'm concerned people are going to lie cheat and steal to get ahead until they are stopped. that corporation is no worse than the average person in that sense. i've lied hundreds of times. the difference is the average person doesn't have a bottomless wallet to continually justify their actions in court or to get into bed with the people who make the rules.

if the government announced tomorrow that petty thefts that occur over the next month will not be prosecuted, would there or would there not be a major increase in petty theft?

people do what they can get away with, and some of us have a louder conscience than others. people who rose up to run major corporations likely abandoned theirs long ago. to expect them to "do the right thing" when they stand to lose a profit is just as silly as me flagging down a cop to tell him i illegally grow pot.


Ursus marijanus
They're still allowed to use the 100% beef moniker because they're only using a small amount of ammonia not as an ingredient but as a '"processing aid". I've been unable to find just how much extraneous ammonia stays in the finished crème de boeuf, but I'd be surprised if it's more than the coupla hundred ppm in our hydro reservoirs.

Looked at dispassionately, Pink Slime is basically a much much leaner version of a very popular food. I wonder how many disgusted parents are driving past the MickeyDeez to serve their youngins some nice, wholesome Vienna Sausage.

Food chemists have taken a huge and ongoing popularity hit. They're being positioned as champions of an immoral food industry. Maybe I'm what I eat in this case, but I don't buy it. cn



Well-Known Member
That's why I prefer McDowell's Big Mick, plus no sesame seeds on the bun.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Please don't ruin Jack-in-the-Box tacos for me. I haven't had one in year, but.... hmm.....
Burger Twat and Jack-into-the-Box are the bottom rung of an already dodgy industry. They're even down from Kentucky Fried Varmint and Taco Dump. cn

My daughter had a thing for "Alien" (the original) and so we called it Kentucky Fried Chestburster. "I don't feeeel so good ... "