I finally got a buds growing but.....


I got some buds at last forming on my last remaining plant, about three weeks now into flowering. I am worried it is going to fall over, the stem does not seem very strong. Any ideas on propping it up somehow? Or strengthening the stem? Am I just being paranoid? My plant is sleeping now so I can't grab a pic just yet, but I will in a few hours when the lights go on if it will help.

I looked through the threads and could not find any info, I may have missed it.


bud bootlegger
yeah, like bucees said, pretty much anything can be used to prop out a plant.. say, cut a metal coat hanger apart and use that, or get some bamboo from out in the yard if you have any, or the neighbors yard if they have some, lol..


Well-Known Member
Feed plant pure molasses and water...put a big fan on them and in a week or two the stem will thicken straight up