I found a Super cloning powder by dumb ass luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Al B. Fuct was beyond all magnitude of pissed and he spoke with respect when he left here. His most simple of lessons so easily lost

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I cant believe I read 3 pages into this gay thread. Why start a thread taunting everyone about a secret you found then not say it? Especially after people ask. I cant think of a reason other than being a dick.

Anyway I have 100% success rate with tap water, and usually get roots large enough for transplant in 10 days, so I doubt I would use any secret anyway.


Well-Known Member
Way to kill my buzz. I read this whole thread, get to the end and see total head get torn a new a hole for no reason.
Wow sub zero!! Run out of nugs? thats the only thing that would get me that mad. Jeez... p.s. ur thread sux.. boring
EXACTLY my thoughts!!!!!

What the Cat and I found out is, we are being so F'ing ripped off... $29.00 for 16 ounces cloning solution.
How about those cloning gels, like paying for that shit!
With the info I have, they're out of business!
Now, $100,000 dollars will keep my lips sealed... lets talk big boy's!!!
LOL!!! Sort of???
How about absolutely NO cloning powder or gel..... I just use water and air and I have a 100% success rate.....


Well-Known Member
I've been cloning for 15 years. I use straight tap water with excellent results. If i had to put a number on it I would say I have a 85% success rate with only water. I laugh when I see them cloning gels and liquids for $15-30/bottle. Ridonkculous! I suspect that many of the products aimed at the cannabis growing community are straight gimmicks. peace


Well-Known Member
OP is a troll, asshole probably both.

Sub you looked shit up on the internet good job bro! Don't bother posting if your gonna be and asshat.


Well-Known Member
You call me a cheater then ask me TO FUCKING HELP YOU!!!! ARE YOU INSANE???
Am I missing something here? If you lazy ass peeps are going to just bitch about free help...
Wow dude just wow .... Forget to take your meds today or what? Not like the guy was actually insulting to and you react like this? You act more like a speed freak then a stoner bro. Sad to see. Talk about overreaction........

I agree with others that your game playing was lame. Interesting info . Too bad you made yourself look like a complete psycho


Well-Known Member
I tried a round of clones with water and some with gel . With my strains and in Oasis cubes I got triple the success with the gel. I use Juicy Roots. Swells the heck out of the base of the clones and gets a huge explosion of roots. I did have one strain that every single one rooted in the H20 really well. I guess it all depends.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
WOW!!! The hate goes on, even after my Ten Day Ban from RIU!!!

Perhaps you all have never been drunk, and did stupid stuff?
Please get a handle on your anger, it makes you all look ugly.

So would you please except my humble apology, for all my stupid remarks and postings... RIU did! :peace:


Well-Known Member
lol orrr when we get drunk its with friends. not at home alone a logging online to forums to make retarded posts


Active Member
ANYWAYS, I tried reading through all 6 pages on this thread to seee just what the hell is going on. 4 of the 6 pages have nothing but worthless posts. Thats cool and all but drama isn't my thing on the web. A simple cut and paste-google search is all that was needed but here on RIU people tend to repeat lots of things rather than take the 5 minutes to do a simple search.

OP was probably reading this site on power cloning here that uses an IBAK and NAA-AA rooting powder.
Heres the link:

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member

For the love of all that is good and Holy in gardening. This thread has no place in a forum of knowledge.

Talk about some intellectual constipation.


Well-Known Member
In another thread, someone said you can crush up some aspirin, add water to make into a paste, and this is good rooting compound. The formula for putting water is one 200mg aspirin per gallon of water. I'm not sure how water soluble aspirin is.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
My swan song, I'm out of here... you have been great... most of you... You will be missed! Goodbye u-all!
And the answer is.......................spit it out bro, I know you have family in the old country, maybe they can be persuaded to make you talk. This is like the cross between a deconstructionist anda mafioso, he makes you an offer you can't understand.