I got a job as a writer

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Fin peed his name in the snow, now he thinks he's a writer.

Just so you know peeing in the snow to spell your name is very difficult and takes many years and many beers to perfect, let me tell you when you see your name in pee, It is quite a sight to behold.

I am not there yet, btw many more years of ice fishing/drinking to go yet.

Just so you know peeing in the snow to spell your name is very difficult and takes many years and many beers to perfect, let me tell you when you see your name in pee, It is quite a sight to behold.

I am not there yet, btw many more years of ice fishing/drinking to go yet.


are you 16?

and do you want to cyber with my friend, who is not me
Same, but wasn't expecting any to post - as explained in my last post, expected him to act out and try to prove he's better, yet still fail as many times previous.

If you are an actual Mensa member it's not bragging but there's not way Fin is a member. It's like posting pix of your grow; you're proud of it and want to share your knowledge.
If you are an actual Mensa member it's not bragging but there's not way Fin is a member. It's like posting pix of your grow; you're proud of it and want to share your knowledge.

I can see how you can equate the two, just figured if he was anywhere near as genius as he says he is.. he'd have done everything possible to get more hits so he gets paid more from Google, at any cost - including exploiting his family in a video.
just sat and did a 28 minute iq test out of curiosity

141 apparently, below my previous score of 154 when i was younger not sure on the accuracy
Awesome!! Mine was in the 140's; can't remember the exact number.

didn't know that 140 got someone into mensa.

i've been taking them every couple years now for students in need of practice administering the test and have been between 125-135. never thought of myself as a genius though, and i think i've failed miserably before at practice mensa tests.*
My last was 144. The good news is that none of us would be cops. They like to hire 95 IQs; seriously. They want people who will do the job as they are taught and not think too much for themselves.
My last was 144. The good news is that none of us would be cops. They like to hire 95 IQs; seriously. They want people who will do the job as they are taught and not think too much for themselves.
I dont know why but this reminds me of my tweeker days! Everyone was a cop! I used to yawn as I passed police cars while I was driving, to make them think I wasn't tweaking! Bwahahahahahahahaha what a clever dude I thought I was! Bonified genius
That's funny. It reminded me of a time I was riding shotgun in a Chevy Caprice (think Pope mobile), with four guys. We were stopped at a red light, at night, and the driver pulls a doob from behind his ear and sparks it up. I noticed a cop, in a marked car, looking at us from the lane next to us. Guy driving was the son of two local cops, and couldn't go to jail if he wanted to, so he never paid attention to anything. Of course I told him to act like it was a cigarette. Luckily we drove on and avoided any hassle. That assclown got me arrested on another occasion, while he was let go; and HE WAS DRIVING!.

"Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training."

Last I read, in the US it's 95.


I still say that police officer should have to maintain a under a 20% bodyfat ratio. They also should be able to run a mile and do 3 pull ups. for real.
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