I hate to say it.....


Active Member
Guess I was mistaken and thought I could share my personal opinion concerning whether I thought about two men in politics with fellow weed growers and smokers without be judged . . . yet when I say that I don't think either candidate was qualified . . . I am labeled pro-Trump, ridiculed and basically told my opinion was shit and yours is gold. I didn't realize this was a pro Democrat/Biden only forum guys . . . I apologize to the forum in general . . . as an independent I can admit that Trump wasn't all bad and Biden isn't all good. I happen to think that the American people deserve the opportunity to vote for the most qualified candidates during a presidential election . . . it seems like we are only given the opportunity to vote for the two candidates selected by the parties as the most electable, not most qualified. Yes, I can vote for an independent and basically throw a vote away or vote against one of the main candidates by voting for the other. Anyway . . . I won't pollute your space again, I'll play the good Dem and quote the party line from here on out.

Biden/Harris 2024!


Well-Known Member
Guess I was mistaken and thought I could share my personal opinion concerning whether I thought about two men in politics with fellow weed growers and smokers without be judged . .
Why would you think that you would not be judged? Who judged you too btw?

Guess I was mistaken and thought I could share my personal opinion concerning whether I thought about two men in politics with fellow weed growers and smokers without be judged . . . yet when I say that I don't think either candidate was qualified . . . I am labeled pro-Trump, ridiculed and basically told my opinion was shit and yours is gold. I didn't realize this was a pro Democrat/Biden only forum guys . . . I apologize to the forum in general . . . as an independent I can admit that Trump wasn't all bad and Biden isn't all good. I happen to think that the American people deserve the opportunity to vote for the most qualified candidates during a presidential election . . . it seems like we are only given the opportunity to vote for the two candidates selected by the parties as the most electable, not most qualified.
50 year background in the field he was being hired for with a essentially perfectly clean record of no scandals, is not good enough for you?

You may not like the guy, but that really is a stretch to say he is unqualified (unless you only watch the propaganda spam I guess).

Yes, I can vote for an independent and basically throw a vote away or vote against one of the main candidates by voting for the other. Anyway . . . I won't pollute your space again, I'll play the good Dem and quote the party line from here on out.

Biden/Harris 2024!
It is a shame you snowflake instead of taking a breath and answering a very simple question.

Are you an American, and if so are you ok with the Russian military attacking our citizens?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Guess I was mistaken and thought I could share my personal opinion concerning whether I thought about two men in politics with fellow weed growers and smokers without be judged . . . yet when I say that I don't think either candidate was qualified . . . I am labeled pro-Trump, ridiculed and basically told my opinion was shit and yours is gold. I didn't realize this was a pro Democrat/Biden only forum guys . . . I apologize to the forum in general . . . as an independent I can admit that Trump wasn't all bad and Biden isn't all good. I happen to think that the American people deserve the opportunity to vote for the most qualified candidates during a presidential election . . . it seems like we are only given the opportunity to vote for the two candidates selected by the parties as the most electable, not most qualified. Yes, I can vote for an independent and basically throw a vote away or vote against one of the main candidates by voting for the other. Anyway . . . I won't pollute your space again, I'll play the good Dem and quote the party line from here on out.

Biden/Harris 2024!
Sorry bud
Your victim card has been revoked :hump: :hug:


Well-Known Member
Guess I was mistaken and thought I could share my personal opinion concerning whether I thought about two men in politics with fellow weed growers and smokers without be judged . . . yet when I say that I don't think either candidate was qualified . . . I am labeled pro-Trump, ridiculed and basically told my opinion was shit and yours is gold. I didn't realize this was a pro Democrat/Biden only forum guys . . . I apologize to the forum in general . . . as an independent I can admit that Trump wasn't all bad and Biden isn't all good. I happen to think that the American people deserve the opportunity to vote for the most qualified candidates during a presidential election . . . it seems like we are only given the opportunity to vote for the two candidates selected by the parties as the most electable, not most qualified. Yes, I can vote for an independent and basically throw a vote away or vote against one of the main candidates by voting for the other. Anyway . . . I won't pollute your space again, I'll play the good Dem and quote the party line from here on out.

Biden/Harris 2024!


Active Member
Hannimal, I hope you are just repeating the Dem line and don't actually believe the garbage you spout. Snowflake? Really? I wasn't the one who got upset over someone having a different opinion than you. I won't stoop to name calling, leave that to the children . . . and you. I am an American and I served my country honorably and no, I don't approve of anyone Russia, China, Mexico, Canada or Timbuktu attacking U.S. citizens. You question my patriotism and assume I support Trump because I dislike Joe Biden, very Democratic/Cancel Culture of you. I respect your right to approve of Joe Biden, and I hope you are right about him and he turns out to be a great president. In return, it would be nice if you would respect my right to dislike him. Maybe the Joe Biden you remember is not the same as I remember, the racist ass Joe Biden from the 70's, a junior senator hanging with all the old segregationists and then when the political climate changed Joe Biden changed and claimed he had to be racist and make racist comments to get in with those guys so he could make changes. Biden has been accused of sexually assaulting 8 women, Trump like 25 . . . how many have to accuse Joe before they count? Honesty? CNN says Biden lies less than Trump and says Biden's lies are exaggerations and embellishments rather than lies . . . both are liars. Only thing you can count on from Joe Biden is that he will be the President his advisors tell him to be.

I only responded to Hannimal on this because he/she/it insists on questioning my patriotism . . . I will never post an opinion on this forum again. And once again, I apologize for disrupting the thread by having an opinion that isn't in line.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Hannimal, I hope you are just repeating the Dem line and don't actually believe the garbage you spout. Snowflake? Really? I wasn't the one who got upset over someone having a different opinion than you. I won't stoop to name calling, leave that to the children . . . and you. I am an American and I served my country honorably and no, I don't approve of anyone Russia, China, Mexico, Canada or Timbuktu attacking U.S. citizens. You question my patriotism and assume I support Trump because I dislike Joe Biden, very Democratic/Cancel Culture of you. I respect your right to approve of Joe Biden, and I hope you are right about him and he turns out to be a great president. In return, it would be nice if you would respect my right to dislike him. Maybe the Joe Biden you remember is not the same as I remember, the racist ass Joe Biden from the 70's, a junior senator hanging with all the old segregationists and then when the political climate changed Joe Biden changed and claimed he had to be racist and make racist comments to get in with those guys so he could make changes. Biden has been accused of sexually assaulting 8 women, Trump like 25 . . . how many have to accuse Joe before they count? Honesty? CNN says Biden lies less than Trump and says Biden's lies are exaggerations and embellishments rather than lies . . . both are liars. Only thing you can count on from Joe Biden is that he will be the President his advisors tell him to be.

I only responded to Hannimal on this because he/she/it insists on questioning my patriotism . . . I will never post an opinion on this forum again. And once again, I apologize for disrupting the thread by having an opinion that isn't in line.
Patriots will !


Well-Known Member
Hannimal, I hope you are just repeating the Dem line and don't actually believe the garbage you spout. Snowflake? Really? I wasn't the one who got upset over someone having a different opinion than you. I won't stoop to name calling, leave that to the children . . . and you. I am an American and I served my country honorably and no, I don't approve of anyone Russia, China, Mexico, Canada or Timbuktu attacking U.S. citizens. You question my patriotism and assume I support Trump because I dislike Joe Biden,
You really should work on your reading comprehension man. I never 'questioned your patriotism'.

I don't know you at all and if you are what you say (because there is no reason a paid internet troll would not say the same thing you just did to me, because they lie and pretend like they are American's to troll us) it is important that you understand if you don't know someone in real life you have no way to know if they are what they say or if they are just some long term troll.

By asking if you are an American, it is a simple question not having had a conversation with you before. I am an American too, nice to meet you, there are people from around the world on this forum.

By asking if you care about the Russian attack on our society (which from your answer I am happy to say that we are on the same side), it is because it is impossible to know what you are seeing nonstop across every feed you frequent, and some people might not care about the fact that we are under attack from the Russian military with a long term propaganda attack. And talking about things gets very difficult in talking about real world events if this is not understood.

I don't care if you like Joe Biden at all. Nor really if you voted for Trump or didn't vote at all. That is not the problem.

very Democratic/Cancel Culture of you. I respect your right to approve of Joe Biden, and I hope you are right about him and he turns out to be a great president. In return, it would be nice if you would respect my right to dislike him.
And I respect your right to not like him. You are pretending I am not. And in doing that are trying to do to me, the exact thing that you are trying to paint me as doing to you, when I am not.

And I don't even know where you saw me say that he is going to be a great president, I am hopeful that he can be what he has been so far, a competent one.


Maybe the Joe Biden you remember is not the same as I remember, the racist ass Joe Biden from the 70's, a junior senator hanging with all the old segregationists and then when the political climate changed Joe Biden changed and claimed he had to be racist and make racist comments to get in with those guys so he could make changes.
You mean the guy who correctly claimed that by busing kids out of the minority redlines cities to a nice white flight neighborhoods school would lead to the exact place that we are at now as a society?


Biden has been accused of sexually assaulting 8 women, Trump like 25 . . . how many have to accuse Joe before they count?
Interesting I have not seen 8. Feel free to link them unless this is some exxageration of the 'creepy Joe' troll of him being huge-feely/thousands of photo's at every event he has done for the last handful of decades?

I only remember the one actual accusation though and it was the lady who had her Putin love letter scrubbed from whatever propaganda website (OANN/Breitbart/The Hill/The Nation/etc) that is funded with Dark money and pushing cherry picked narratives for whatever scam they are pulling.


Only thing you can count on from Joe Biden is that he will be the President his advisors tell him to be.
Maybe, I am ok with competent people coming together to make the best of a shit situation. Biden surrounded himself with a lot of experience so I am happier this than the little Hitler youth crowd that Trump surrounded himself with.

Honesty? CNN says Biden lies less than Trump and says Biden's lies are exaggerations and embellishments rather than lies . . . both are liars.
I call bullshit on this man. Trump spun conman narratives alongside foreign dictators to try to get re-elected. Let me know when Biden is shown to have actively been gas lighting us and I will be right there with you, but even if he did it would be nothing close to what Trump did to us all.


I only responded to Hannimal on this because he/she/it insists on questioning my patriotism . . . I will never post an opinion on this forum again. And once again, I apologize for disrupting the thread by having an opinion that isn't in line.
Again, never questioned anything about you other than asking an actual question about you. If you feel under attack, it is not by me. But that is the nature of the internet today since it has been weaponized.

I suggest you learn about the attack taking place on our society if you actually do feel like I am attacking you in any way, because it is hard to understand that you likely are being attacked across everything you do online (and in real life with friends and family getting spammed counter narratives to divide you apart).



Well-Known Member
Hannimal, I hope you are just repeating the Dem line and don't actually believe the garbage you spout. Snowflake? Really? I wasn't the one who got upset over someone having a different opinion than you. I won't stoop to name calling, leave that to the children . . . and you. I am an American and I served my country honorably and no, I don't approve of anyone Russia, China, Mexico, Canada or Timbuktu attacking U.S. citizens. You question my patriotism and assume I support Trump because I dislike Joe Biden, very Democratic/Cancel Culture of you. I respect your right to approve of Joe Biden, and I hope you are right about him and he turns out to be a great president. In return, it would be nice if you would respect my right to dislike him. Maybe the Joe Biden you remember is not the same as I remember, the racist ass Joe Biden from the 70's, a junior senator hanging with all the old segregationists and then when the political climate changed Joe Biden changed and claimed he had to be racist and make racist comments to get in with those guys so he could make changes. Biden has been accused of sexually assaulting 8 women, Trump like 25 . . . how many have to accuse Joe before they count? Honesty? CNN says Biden lies less than Trump and says Biden's lies are exaggerations and embellishments rather than lies . . . both are liars. Only thing you can count on from Joe Biden is that he will be the President his advisors tell him to be.

I only responded to Hannimal on this because he/she/it insists on questioning my patriotism . . . I will never post an opinion on this forum again. And once again, I apologize for disrupting the thread by having an opinion that isn't in line.
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