I may have a problem


New Member
Hello everybody, I have been in an extremely low budget grow since the 7th of last month. I stuck to strictly sunlight for 8 days. Then moved to three 75watt LED's and a 100 watt CFL. Three weeks ago one of my plants was over watered or received nute burn when my friend watched my plants for the weekend. They grew normally until a week later when it just stopped. It hasn't healed the leafs and it hasn't grown any more. Have had them under 18/6 all my others are doing great and growing rapidly. But for some reason this one isn't. Any and all help would be great.

By the way I am using fox farm big bloom 1ts per 8oz and the best soil I could buy at Walmart. Ph is 6.7 and steady the soil is not too wet and not too dry. Plenty if room in the pot for the roots and enough fresh air.


Active Member
If it is nute burn then you need to flush only give it water for a week or so then start it back on nutes at like a half dose. im thinking you have nute lock and the plant is not growing because it is just trying to live give it some time and it should come around but it will always be behind your others


Active Member
1 tsp per 8oz seems heavy for 3 1/2 weeks from seed I imagine. Obvious signs of nute burn. I would flush with ph balanced water. No nutes. With super thrive or h2o2 to fight root rot. Dont over water obviously lol.  Water once with nutes, then the next time should be no nutes water to flush any build up. Water slow and even around the plant. Let it dry but not wilt so the roots really thrive for water. Good luck!


New Member
There is the poor girl. Not really sure what to make of it. I flushed it the week that I got back and didn't water again for a week until about a half inch of soil was dry again.


New Member
pretty sad looking.I use no nutes in foxfarm soil for the 1st 4-5 weeks.when i notice the color leaving the leaves i start nutes.I either use ocean forest or happy frog,Your soil is most likly on the hot side to start with coming from wally world so i would let the plant live on that for awhile.Also keep the plant warm and it might survive.A heat mat under the plant can help alot.I had a bubblegummer pull the same thing on me and i now have about 3 oz of smoke off of it.


Well-Known Member
I've seen them be stunted for months in this situation...just set it aside with little to no care and it will come back...the more you "try to help it " now the worse it will get.g/l


New Member
Thank you guys! I really appreciate all the feedback! Hopefully the rest of my grow goes a little better!


Active Member
If its bagseed and not a bought femi or known strain better. I would trash and restart. Btw should not take a weak for only the top inch to dry out. Unless no air circulation hitting the plant? Maybe the pots bigger than I thought idk.. Wouldn't give nutes until 3 weeks. Even then would use ml for the measurement. Not full tsp tbsp what I mean. Good luck.

oh and growindad is right. You need peralite! Does roots wonders