I need help

Kief Reefer

Well-Known Member
Cannabis does well in any weather, climate, geography, etc. It will adapt! Ok, that's not completely true. Wait a couple of weeks after the last frost or so, plant your seeds in the ground. You want soil that drains well. Try mixing 50% topsoil from your bed and 50% loam from the store. Temps should be between 55 and 90 at all times. Any wavering past these extremes will damage or slow growth. If it's a highly visible area, try and disguise it. If not, do what you want. Make a crop circle. Harvest time depends on if the buds look ready. Between September and November depending on the strain.

Kief Reefer

Well-Known Member
take the temperature at the head level of the plant, this is the temperature the plants responds to. Generally the ground will be warmer, but this is sometimes not true during the winter months. 60 would be a good ground temperature, but it would make no difference if the temperature just above ground level is still 35. Plant when the temperature reaches a consistent 55 degrees above ground. This is not a good rule, though, and you'd be better of finding out when to plant tomatoes, they are very similar in environmental and nutritional needs.