I started force flowering my 3 plants today!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
:peace: what up what up what up ya'll? so ive been on here trying to find out info about force flowering outdoor plants, & today im going to start it. I just brought them inside & down to my basement where its super dark. I slapped an osilating fan by them & set my alarm for 10 am. it gets dark around here (totally dark) at 10pm so i figure take them back out side at 10am. Im totally stoked about this:mrgreen:. I do however need help with my nutes. do i start giving them the super bloom nutes right away or do i wait awhile? & how often do i water & give nutes while they're flowering. i can't wait they are just regular ol' bagseed but i guarntee they turn out to be some good homegrown. the smoke i got them from was pretty damn good mid grade. plus just the experiance of learning to grow this is my first time so it been enjoyable. but anywhooser any one with some good info on nutes & watering & when to let me know what you know. any info & help is greatly appreaciated:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
does anyone anyone at all when to start giving nutes while force flowering? how much how often, & also how much water & how often?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
mr. balls,

Only water when the plants need water., Only water when the top soil is dry or very near dry... the buckets should feel light before you water...

When you DO water.. make sure you throughly saturate your soil... depending on how big your n are.. you may need to water .5 - 2.0 gallons..

You should pH your water...
pH Water - See More Buds

Feed them 1/4 the recommended dosage on your fertilizer.. then asses how your plants react over the next 2-5 days...

increase dosage as needed.... If you over feed your plants, YOU are fooked..



Well-Known Member
damn it gets dark over there at 10?
where do you live?

i force flower my plant for 7pm to 7am,
best time for max sunlight and you will appreciate your product more!
but the only bad is waking up at 7am!


Active Member
Europe by the sounds. It does indeed get dark here at 10. Fully gone at about 11. Puzzles my yankees freind immensely. Easily pleased.


Well-Known Member
im from the MI area & yeah it gets dark about 9:45 10 pm then the sun comes up around sixish 7ish but where i have my plants at out back (so no one can see them) doesnt get actual direct sunlight until about noonish. do plants still get light in the somewhat shade or on a cloudy day?


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen::peace::joint: so im 3 days into the force flowering. its not going to bad the plant seems a little more lively like more is going on with it. but i still dont see any preflowers. so im gonna try and keep a closer eye on them. i started watering every 2 days with a mix of 2 tbs of molasses to a gal of water. ive only given them nutes once so far. maybe i should give them some more today. i only gave them 1/4 the dose the 1st time so ill give them some more today but make it a half dose. we'll see how it goes.
i'll keep filling every body in on how it goes.:mrgreen::peace::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
so i gave my 3 bug plants some nutes yesterday. i know i said i was gonna give them half a dose but i did that last time & they faired well so i went ahead & gave them a full dose now i think i have nute burn so im trying to flush them out ill see if that works. hopefully it does i dont want to fuck them up. also today is the 4th day of force flowering & still no signs of sex. but i dont have a magnifying glass either though so maybe thats the problem. just have to wait & see. does any one know how long it is before they start to show sex?


Well-Known Member
i bring them in at night & then take them back out during the day. to be precise i bring them in at 10 pm & take them out at 10 am


Well-Known Member
10 to 10 is good,

for my plant,
i bring it inside at 5:45 and bring it back outside when its totally dark since sunrise is at 5:45 but goes up a minute everyday since the summer is here!
this way i wont have to wake up early and have something to worry about


New Member
so i gave my 3 bug plants some nutes yesterday. i know i said i was gonna give them half a dose but i did that last time & they faired well so i went ahead & gave them a full dose now i think i have nute burn so im trying to flush them out ill see if that works. hopefully it does i dont want to fuck them up. also today is the 4th day of force flowering & still no signs of sex. but i dont have a magnifying glass either though so maybe thats the problem. just have to wait & see. does any one know how long it is before they start to show sex?
Usually takes about 2 weeks to show sex, i put mine out at 7 and bring them in at 7 so they get the most direct and intense light possible. I have about 3 weeks left before there finished and i cant wait. I want to pinch a couple nugs so bad i can almost taste it...lol
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Well-Known Member
:-| hey everbody Im now six days in to flowering & i still dont see any signs of sex. i know, i know, be patient. But i just thought i would see at least some signs of sex by now. They are on a steady schedule & they arent getting any light at all when they're in for the night. They seemed to fair the nute burn well. I havent given them any nutes again yet. They also got a really good flushung by me & by the hugenormus storm we got the other day. So maybe in a day or so I'll give them a half dose. We'll see how they do then. But really?, no signs of sex yet what am I doing wrong?... If anything at all. thanks for everyone payin this so close of attention. Its been real helpfull. Well I'll keep you updated as to how it goes. :peace: :joint: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
id say its fine that you still havent seen sex. took my plants one week exact to show. and the first 2 that did were male.. they tend to show earlier. like 2 days later i saw fem preflowers on my other plant. give it time.


Well-Known Member
id say its fine that you still havent seen sex. took my plants one week exact to show. and the first 2 that did were male.. they tend to show earlier. like 2 days later i saw fem preflowers on my other plant. give it time.

with 3 plants what are the odds that I'll get a female or maybe 2?:mrgreen::peace::joint: