I think I just killed my plant :(

So three weeks ago I sprouted a bag seed and planted in some backyard dirt. I transplanted it two days later to a 3 liter bottle full of soil I found a flower garden at the entrance of my neighborhood (horrible idea, i know). Its been growing great ever since and continued to sprout new growth everyday. I noticed some cotyledon from some other plant beginning to grow in the three liter, and the noticed the whole bottom the the bottle was full of roots. I am almost positive they couldn't have been from my plant, they were at the very bottom of the three liter an it looked like alot of roots for my tiny little 2 and half week old plant. I assumed these were all roots from other plants trying to grow in this soil

Anyhow my plant seems to have died within 20 minutes of transplanting it. Im scared I may have ripped my plants root system up during transplanting, because I would be surprised if shock could make my plant look this bad

P180212_14.57_[04] (1).jpgP180212_17.36 (1).jpg

The first picture is right before I transplanted and the second is about 10 minute afterwards. Transplanted from unknown dirt to 2/3 MG Organic 1/3 MG Perlite

So is it over?


Well-Known Member
It looks either cold , overwatered or shocked to me , it's not dead , it needs fresh air , good light and chill.
I watered just before transplanting to try to keep the rootball together and then watered just a little bit in the new pot to get all the soil moist. I may have slightly over done it I usually only water it once ever 3 or 4 days. Temps are between 70 and 80 so Im just hoping its in shock and that I didn't separate any of its roots. Is it possible for this little plant to have grown a 8+ inch root system? It looked far to extensive to be from it


Well-Known Member
I watered just before transplanting to try to keep the rootball together and then watered just a little bit in the new pot to get all the soil moist. I may have slightly over done it I usually only water it once ever 3 or 4 days. Temps are between 70 and 80 so Im just hoping its in shock and that I didn't separate any of its roots. Is it possible for this little plant to have grown a 8+ inch root system? It looked far to extensive to be from it
Very low light even no light for at least 12 hours no more than 24..... too intense of light after transplanting can shock the plant.
Alright I just switched it from the 5 cfls i had set up to 1 23w 6500k. The light cycle is set to shut off in about 6 hours so I'm going to keep at least one light on until its off cycle. I just set up another 23w 5500k today just before transplanting so its been getting even more light since I transplanted it


Active Member
It is shocked and nothing more... Roots have lots of tiny little roots that tend to get torn or broken when transplanting. Back your light off some and make sure the soil is moist, but not soaked and just leave it be.... Odds are it will bounce back in a couple days! And to repeat myself, don't finger fuck it; just LET IT BE so it gets use to it's new home!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the soil looks dry.

after you transplant, you need to water it with a good amount. dont drown it but you need to dampen the new soil.

the new soil will wick away the soil near the roots.
So i got up this morning and its looking worse. Its color has completely changed and I'm beginning to think my plant is already dead and its just sitting there in the soil :-|

sorry the pictures are sideways. i think its still pretty clear that its over:cry:



Well-Known Member
not even close to over bro. either its over watered or under watered. if its over watered wait it out. if its under watered water it! you should know by now whether its over or under.
not even close to over bro. either its over watered or under watered. if its over watered wait it out. if its under watered water it! you should know by now whether its over or under.
I believe it was under watered yesterday because the pot was so large for the plant. I didn't want to deal with transplanting it later so I tried to get one that would be large enough for it later on. Anyway I watered it this morning because it seemed like the soil around the edge of the pot was moist but in the middle was still dry.

what happen???
I transplanted yesterday and it didn't go so smoothly :cry: