i want to drill it...


Well-Known Member
I want to make a bong out of the extreamly huge liquor bottle that I got in mexico but therse only one down side how do u drill threw glass

anyone got
pls & thanx


Well-Known Member
You can do it with a normal drillbit its just gonna be harder go slow and dont put alot of pressure on it or it'll crack


Active Member
dont bother trying with a normal bit.... your glass will definitely break. i would go with the dremel or the glass drill bit. the thing with drilling glass that isnt made to drill is this: its not flat, its hard as fuck. your drill bit is going to slip all over the surface of the bottle and you probably will not be able to keep it steady enough to even get a hole started. if you have a vise that you can make immobile to put the bottle into it will make your job a little eaier but you will still have to contend with a spinning drill bit trying to be steady on slippery glass surface.

here is an idea... put the bottle in your vice on its side. lay a board of some kind over the top the same width as the bottle and tighten the vice onto both. drill into the wood using the wood to hold your drill in the same spot on the glass bottle. make sure your bit is long enough to go through the glass the way you want. this should be a farily easy solution to keep everything steady.

BEFORE YOU DO THIS: put a piece of duct tape or masking tape over where you are about to drill... this will help to prevent cracking and if it causes some cracking at least the glass will not go everywhere it will just stay stuck to the tape. make sure to get ALL of the glass pieces and dust out before you smoke out of it... powerdered glass is very bad for your lungs! hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Get some bits mad for glass like the guy above said. Sometimes when you drill in to very slick or smooth surfaces, it's better to cut out a piece of wood and fit it to whatever you're trying to drill. Drill through the wood, and by the time you get to the glass, the wood will have your bit stablized and it will be easier to enter at the angle you're trying to get. Also, you may have to go slowly at first, or the whole time for that matter. There are different ways, but you can do it this way your self


Active Member
barely squeezed you out with the wood thing... but im glad someone else has some sense other than myself.

what is so offensive about your avatar?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Dude, what you need is a spade drill bit(made for glass).

Drill at normal RPM but with little pressure and lot and lots of water around the hole and drill bit, takeit easy and it's np.

I drill hole in glass every day, do the above


Well-Known Member
Heres the thread when the guy drilled threw with a normal bit
I also used a normal one before on a thick wine bottle I wanted to make a bong out of i started the hole with the tiniest bit I had then once it started I switched out to the bigger one it just takes patience you can do it but if you try and rush it will crack.Practice on a glass bottle your not using first.A glass bit will make it alot easier on you but if you dont want to go out and get one you got to improvise so it is possible to do with a normal bit.


Active Member
you'd be surprised what you can do with what little you have....I've made the "impossible" possible many a times....nothing is etched in stone brotha...use your ingenuity and a little elbow grease....your issue is going to be circumfrence shape...So your going to have to clamp,grip,hold...the bottle in place..It can't move at all...straight shot on the bit...low rpm,steady being careful not to place too much weight on your motor drill...no prob...