I wrote in Ron Paul! PLEASE Vote Your Conscience!!


Well-Known Member
What is truly telling is you made a statement of fact. It's indisputable. I know because I early voted and saw for myself that there are more than two candidates on the presidential ballot.

His response to a statement of fact was to refer to it as twaddle. "Foolish, trivial, or idle talk or chatter."

Dismissive denial. Which is a common tactic for this particular scholar.
Oh I see. I honestly thought he meant that he heard there were only 2 candidates through trivial talk or chatter....misconstrued on my part.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I have my ballot in front of me now, I have not completed it yet...


Well-Known Member
so when i right in ron paul, what happens? this is an honest question. :leaf:
What happens? One more American has opened their eyes and has made a decision to use their brain. Not that you'd know anything about that...And I believe the term you're looking for is "write", not "right".


Well-Known Member
"truly telling?" More old fart talk.You're one smart, multi-quoting, internet bully John.
In terms of intellectual age, compared to you, I am Methuselah.

I use your words as examples of your puerile attempts of persuasion yet only I am the bully. You are in complete denial.

A passing review of my posts disproves your paltry accusation. However, I can and will defend myself when presented with a distasteful ogre such as yourself.

Your arrested development vis a vis debate roughly places you in a seventh grade special ed class. What happend NWB, did the janitor molest you when you were waiting for the short bus?


Well-Known Member
In terms of intellectual age, compared to you, I am Methuselah.

I use your words as examples of your puerile attempts of persuasion yet I am the bully. You are in complete denial.

A passing review of my posts disproves your paltry accusation. However, I can and will defend myself when presented with a distasteful ogre such as yourself.

Your arrested development vis a vis debate roughly places you in a seventh grade special ed class. What happend NWB, did the janitor molest you when you were waiting for the short bus?
You are Methuselah in terms of physical age to me too. What you are John is a FLAME WARRIOR. See if you can recognize yourself here: Flame Warriors Home


Well-Known Member
What happens? One more American has opened their eyes and has made a decision to use their brain. Not that you'd know anything about that...And I believe the term you're looking for is "write", not "right".
one more ron paul fan who doesn't even know why. lol do the insults make you feel bigger? i don't mind them as long as it's helping you, big guy. lololol don't you have a cable to splice or something?

oops spelling error. you got me. :roll::clap:


Well-Known Member
I always used to get Ron Paul mixed up with Ru Paul, but if you look at them side by side there's not really that much resemblance.



Well-Known Member
(picture removed for space considerations)
Hey Canna, long time, eh? :)

We should note that not all states actually allow you to just write someone in and will then count that officially. In California you can write in someone who's already submitted their request (the candidate). I believe that because RP was on the ballot in the primaries that they will count our write-in vote. Other states are different, and I believe I've read that other states still actually have him on their ballot. He is currently endorsing Chuck Baldwin, of the Moral Majority and other nefarious fame.
The more people that write him in will show our government that we have had enough of the corporate America crap. We need to start standing up for ourselves. If we follow the mentality of 'the lesser of the two evils'. We are essentially doing exactly what they want and they are keeping us 'in line' so to speak. I think it is about time we say this is enough, this is not right, and I certainly don't have to be forced into voting for a candidate that promotes more of the same crap.
Will my vote just be a 'throw away'? I don't know, and I won't know until I do what I believe to be right, which is not supporting the type of country we are living in now. If it is a throw away vote, than so be it. At least I will know I tried.
Your secretary of state should have the information regarding write-in votes.
I will not disparage your vote. Your choice is your choice and I respect it.

My only comment is that Ron Paul is not running. He ended his campaign and endorsed another candidate.
Yes, and he chose Chuck Baldwin. But he will NOT make that choice for me, I do not agree. And I am positive that he is just as prepared and qualified for the position now as he was a year ago.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and he chose Chuck Baldwin. But he will NOT make that choice for me, I do not agree. And I am positive that he is just as prepared and qualified for the position now as he was a year ago.
An endorsement is not a dictate. Regardless of your opinion, it does not change the fact that the man is not running.

You are Methuselah in terms of physical age to me too.
Ageism is not very progressive. For shame!

But it is irrelevant here because we are all the same age. You don't know if I am 18 or 80.
What you are John is a FLAME WARRIOR. See if you can recognize yourself here: NorthwestBuds is an Idiot
The record speaks otherwise. Anyone who cares to look at our previous posts on any given thread can easily distinguish us. I do my dead level best to be amiable, but I can be provoked. As such, I slip my leash from time to time.

Previously you called me a bully. In your case, that is a true statement. I bully the bullies. When a bully is confronted with one who will stand up to him, he cries like a pussy. You are a case in point.

And as long as we are trading links, here's one specifically directed at you:
Flash » NorthwestBuds


Well-Known Member
Hey did you all know West Virginia write-in candidates include Santa Claus? Atleast I wrote in Ron Paul...shiiiiit!


Well-Known Member
one more ron paul fan who doesn't even know why.
And why would you say that? Would you care to match your candidate's record vs. mine regarding constitutionality of legislation? Tell me son...

Do you support FISA?
Do you support Patriot?
Do you support the bailout?

And if you do...please provide direct links/legitimate reasons as to why vote(s) in favor of said legislation could even be remotely construed as constitutional. I'm game, but are you up for the challenge?


Well-Known Member
And why would you say that? Would you care to match your candidate's record vs. mine regarding constitutionality of legislation? Tell me son...

Do you support FISA?
Do you support Patriot?
Do you support the bailout?

And if you do...please provide direct links/legitimate reasons as to why vote(s) in favor of said legislation could even be remotely construed as constitutional. I'm game, but are you up for the challenge?
i come here to relax, not prove anything. you win. :bigjoint: