I wrote in Ron Paul! PLEASE Vote Your Conscience!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not from the U.S but until today i've never heard of any other canidates besides mccain obama and ron paul. Chuck who? I still think you ppl should be able to write in your own names. I believe we can do that in canada, and alot do. That would show that the ppl want to run the country themselves.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget former member of the Moral Majority! He was just a step down from Jerry Falwell in terms of his position, and I don't give a rat's ass that he's no longer a member of that abomination of a club, just as I don't give a fuck that David Duke is no longer a grand wizard of the KKK--they STILL DID IT.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? They'll be counting ours then. :)
Yup, i get ron paul news alerts sent to my inbox as they happen. I doubt they will count my vote here in ohio but i still don't give a fuck. :) Voting is over here..i'm curious how ohio will go. either way it won't be our way. :(


Well-Known Member
Dave and Sea, did you guys write him in yet?? Didn't it feel GREAT?! :) How did you vote on the gay marriage? Here in ohio, our concern was allowing a casino and i voted for it. useless random information..lol


Well-Known Member
Dave and Sea, did you guys write him in yet?? Didn't it feel GREAT?! :) How did you vote on the gay marriage? Here in ohio, our concern was allowing a casino and i voted for it. useless random information..lol
Yes, and no on 8. Quickie rundown for my voting on the Cali props:
1A - No
2 - Yes
3 - No
4 - No
5 - YES! Good Christ, let's start emptying our prisons of victims of the drug war!
6 - No
7 - No (very poorly written, devised an entirely new commission that would have permitting powers that conflict with the PUC)
8 - NO! (If I could have made it a HELL NO I would have :) )
9 - Yes
10 - No
11 - Yes
12 - No

Local - Measure M; 1/2 cent sales tax so we can finally have at least SOME paid firefighters (still all volunteer paramedic/emergency) and pay for training for our volunteers - Yes

I voted out the incumbents, yee haw. There were more yes votes on my ballot yesterday than ever in my life before. :shock: I can't be getting more agreeable, that sure as hell can't be it. :? :lol: