ideal time to top???


Weed Modifier
oh and opinion on how there doing would be nice :) and for the bottom leafs ...i had a N prob but there all better now :)
looks growth looking healthy and green.... Looking at the pics i would wait one more week til you get one more good set of leaves since the bottom ones are not so healthy from N ? you mean nute

you can top it....if you want too ...but do you need to top it or just want to? if you do decide to do it i would wait a week...then she will be good to go!

Are you growing only two?
well im growing three and i would like to top at least one haha and if thats the case i can top a different plant ill post a pic of the other one ....the third plant is only starting her 5th


Weed Modifier
good at least you are not going to do it on your only one!

I would pick the healthiest one as you want her to she will probably be ready as that first one was the weaker of the bunch.

so pics are of two different ones...cuz the one on the right looks great!!!


Weed Modifier
well is she worth toping for 4 colas?
Most likely... if that is what you would like to do? might not get 4 to start though...but you never know... by topping you could get 2-4.....? depends on plant. but as long as there is some growth starting on the bottom...then she will grow...

why not try to just pinch the new growth on the top and see what happens in the next week??? i like this cuz it is less stressful and it helps bottom branching too! and it has doubled my tops if done right....just like topping but less material to cut off! and it works! just a thought
well i have two others to tinker with so ima top this one and then im alll ears for the other two :) mmmm! I really would just like to smoke it...this strain is my uncles own :) he crossed c9+OG kush cant wait to try it :( lol


Weed Modifier
hahaha well 34 days old :/ butttttttt honestly in the last week in a half is were they actully grew!!!
34 days old wow that is fairly old for that size but they are growing now! little delayed but still good. so they are 4 weeks now.... soon you will see pre-flowers in the next few weeks

Im not one to get down on are growing and to me thats what it is all about! live and learn through trial and err sooner you work them out sooner you will be in your own Garden of Eden:weed:

patients....little ways to go yet....but when it does i'll be here!