if a plant can be found it deserves to be taken? +rep for thoughts and comments.


Well-Known Member
i just cant understand this.....i keep seeing people say that if a plant can be found it deserves to get jacked, what the fuck is wrong with these people? i just dont get it, did no one ever explain taking something thats not yours is stealing to them or something? do they have any morals at all? i dont mind breaking the law obviously but stealing from a fellow grower is just plain fucked up! any thoughts or comments i'll +rep for. lol


Active Member
lol I agree with you man, that shit is fucked up! I remember grown' up in British Columbia and my father would grow a crop every year lol. The one year his plants turned out amazing, he had planted them in the backyard (we had 7 achres of forest) and the day before he goes to harvest-- som teenage punks jumped the fense and took the stash throughout the night!.... Omg he was sooooo pissed... I was like 6 at the time lol. Anyways I believe in Karma atleast-- those thieves will get theres eventually.... or atleast they damn well should! lol (Btw-- this is just a fun thread to reply to, no need to plus rep dude ;))


Well-Known Member
lol, i was/am gonna rep if ya want it or not, but
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Toker88 again.
im hoping this thread gets a lot of replies. thanks for getting the ball rolling rob and toker.


Active Member
lol, i was/am gonna rep if ya want it or not, but
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Toker88 again.
im hoping this thread gets a lot of replies. thanks for getting the ball rolling rob and toker.
hahaha never said I didn't want it, just mean its not necessary in order to illicit a response :) I'm quite certain you will get a lot of replies on this thread-- but most normal people sleep in on Sunday I think... Well take it easy!


Well-Known Member
i just cant understand this.....i keep seeing people say that if a plant can be found it deserves to get jacked, what the fuck is wrong with these people? i just dont get it, did no one ever explain taking something thats not yours is stealing to them or something? do they have any morals at all? i dont mind breaking the law obviously but stealing from a fellow grower is just plain fucked up! any thoughts or comments i'll +rep for. lol
Growing on property without the knowledge and consent of the property owner is theft, too.

Anything I discover on my property is mine. Should someone trespass onto my property and plant cannabis: All of it belongs to me.

Guerrilla growing is fraught with peril because one is using property property belonging to someone else and as such, one has no control over the plants while in the ground. Because the guerrilla grower does not own the property, he or she has no standing if anything is taken off that property.


Active Member
If i come take your car, your watch or even the corn you have growing in a field, it's called theft and i go to jail. I jack your weeds and your SOL. Something's not right with that. I'm big on the "eye for an eye" thing, and a lot of growers put their heart into their crops. So i figure if someone jacks my goodies, i should cut their heart out. Sounds fair to me!

Years ago there was a farmer not far from me who was arrested after he caught some kids stealing corn off the stalks in his field. He caught one of the kids, stripped him butt naked and tied him up in the cornfield, and left him there overnight. The farmer released the boy the next day, and the kid ran home to tell his parents. The cops arrested the farmer the same day. How crappy is that? i would have shoved a corn cob up the kids cornhole; but thats just me.

Stealing is bad. Regardless if what it is.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I agree with you, stealing crops just sucks. I have had many outdoor crops taken over the years, it really pisses me off. All the hard work and effort put in just to have it ripped off. Karma can be a bitch and I hope they all get what is coming to them. :fire:


Well-Known Member
i just cant understand this.....i keep seeing people say that if a plant can be found it deserves to get jacked, what the fuck is wrong with these people? i just dont get it, did no one ever explain taking something thats not yours is stealing to them or something? do they have any morals at all? i dont mind breaking the law obviously but stealing from a fellow grower is just plain fucked up! any thoughts or comments i'll +rep for. lol
:clap: i agree 98%. if you stumble accross someones grow just check it out and move on. just as you would hope they would do to yours. i am old and grew outdoors in the late 70's and had a crop taken, wether it was cops. dnr or just some other punks it sure sucked:sad:
Growing on property without the knowledge and consent of the property owner is theft, too.

Anything I discover on my property is mine. Should someone trespass onto my property and plant cannabis: All of it belongs to me.

Guerrilla growing is fraught with peril because one is using property property belonging to someone else and as such, one has no control over the plants while in the ground. Because the guerrilla grower does not own the property, he or she has no standing if anything is taken off that property.
i agree 100%. last year i found 5 plants on my property that were not mine, i grow indoor and do not need to have plants outdoors on my property. the grower(s) did not come up to the house to ask if i found them, it was here for them:peace:


I agree it is a F'ed up thing to do, but there are some shady people in the world. people who dont care about whose property they find. it becomes theirs. at the same time if you are growing in someone else's land, well that is kinda a problem, who is stealing now? and at the same time the land owner can face charges that they have nothing to do with. i also can't say that if i found a nice plant walking through a huge park or something, i would prob really debate on taking it. i would like to think i would leave it but dont know if i could leave one full of bud, lol. sorry if that makes me sound bad. in the future keep your plant out of site and that does suck that its gone man, its was wrong to take it and hope you manage without it! mankind doesn't always do what's right!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, that's the dangers of growing out in fields that some kids might see or know about. you can spend your whole grow, not telling a soul about what, where, or how you were growing, and some kids might stumble upon your 7 months outdoor trees at the end of october and jack the entire stash. all in all, i'd say if you were going to have it in a field... i would supervise fields and acres a lot, a lot... i would buy a sniper rifles and build a command post. wonder if the police would see that? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
im not really talking about guerilla growing on someone else property guys, the guy who had his plants jacked had permission to use it, i mean like that, if i have a plant somewhere on my property by in my yard and someone spots it they shouldnt take it or return to take it later just to take it cuz he can see it. i agree, if your guerilla growing and you happen to lose plants cuz the owner finds em its ur own problem. but someone taking a plant on your own land or land u can use since it was possible to find them is fucked up.


Well-Known Member
yeah, geurilla growing, you shouldnt whine if you get jacked. you're out in the middle of someone else's domain. you never know WHO might show up..


Active Member
i was always told that taking someone else shit is bad carma and it will come back at you twice as bad. like someone could take all your shit the next year but where i come from the kids like to go looking for it.