If you could boil life down to 3 essential truths, what would they be?


Well-Known Member
This is a post directly from Reddit, but I thought the question was thought provoking and the top answer was really well thought out;

1. You, and everyone you know, is an animal. It is impossible to completely divorce yourself from your animal urges. However you do not have to be a slave to them.

2. It is important to be good. Be good to yourself. Be good to other people. Be good to the living things around you. Not because you will be rewarded. not because you will be thanked. but because you will make the world a better place.

3. The difficulties you face in life will make it harder, but it does not have to make you miserable. Do not focus on what goes wrong, focus on what goes right. Spend some time every day thinking about how your friends and loved ones (pets too) improve your life, about how grateful you are for them. It will improve your overall mood and help you through your day.

-limbodog (Reddit)

I really don't understand the first one. What are you classifying as "animal urges" exactly? Reproduction? I am trying to figure out why this is the number one most useful piece of information. Can you expand please?


Meaning you have the urge to yell at the guy who cut you off in traffic, but doing so doesn't make it so it never happened. In fact, it will typically make things worse.

You have the urge to smash your boss on the head with a filing cabinet until he stops saying "absitively" instead of "absolutely" or "positively" and still thinks he's witty. But you shouldn't.

You have the urge to bonk a young woman on the head and drag her back to your cave, but you should not do so. Inviting her is a better plan, and accepting when she says no is important. (tho why would she say no to you? You look marvelous!)

My point I'm trying to make is that the emotions we feel are the animal part of us. Our ability to be motivated by those emotions is a strength, but our ability to overrule those emotions when they would steer us wrong is one of the most important things we master as humans.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
1. Father-"Fallow your heart son."

2. Mother- "Always think original thoughts."

3. Little Brother- "Life is what you make it, be positive and love your life."

4. Me- "You don't really know anything at all for certain do you?... silly human animal, now go out and play nice before you die or get too old."


Well-Known Member
Earth is a classroom and I am a student.

When I pass from this experience I will move on to the next step/classroom on my journey

We are infinite and so is this process of evolving


Well-Known Member
1.Change-Life never stops changing, even when you die or anything stops living, there will be other life that exists from it
2.Perspective-it is what you make it to be,attitude is lattitude(sounds cheesey But is essential in my own life)
3.Time-We only have so much.before its gone,make the most of it


Well-Known Member
#1 God-without him there would be no here.
#2 Jesus-without him I would have to pay for my own sins.
#3 Holy Spirit- without him I would not understand the Bible,or know how to live,and I would be lonely by myself,with a void.


Well-Known Member
Life is what you make it, so make it good.

Don't be a cunt to other people.

Accomplishments that are worth accomplishing are hard and take time, don't give up.

Bonus: Sometimes in life the only thing we can control is our reaction to things, so react wisely.


Well-Known Member
Gravity works evvery time, the pig's ass is pork, and you will eat a pound, um ton, of dirt, um shit, before you die.

In seriousness, I can add peace to truth and beauty.


Well-Known Member
#1 God-without him there would be no here.
#2 Jesus-without him I would have to pay for my own sins.
#3 Holy Spirit- without him I would not understand the Bible,or know how to live,and I would be lonely by myself,with a void.
Gotta love that crazy trinity that the bible is strangely silent on...


Well-Known Member
Essential truths of life:

God created the universe and everything in it.

Heaven is real and so is Hell.

The reason for existence is to glorify God and spread the Message of Jesus Christ, storing up rewards and populating Heaven.

Life is short so enjoy it.

Love heals, cleanses, edifies, and is a shelter for the needy.

Real happiness is shared.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Essential truths of life:

God created the universe and everything in it.

Heaven is real and so is Hell.

The reason for existence is to glorify God and spread the Message of Jesus Christ, storing up rewards and populating Heaven.

Life is short so enjoy it.

Love heals, cleanses, edifies, and is a shelter for the needy.

Real happiness is shared.
The reason for existence is to shamelessly and brainlessly kiss the ass of a spoiled little brat of a God? Your God sounds like an egotistical attention hungry douchebag. I like my Gods better.


Well-Known Member
The bible is not silent on the Holy Trinity

1 John 5:7 - For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

And some extra cool verses for your spiritual nourishment.
Essential truths of life:

God created the universe and everything in it.

Heaven is real and so is Hell.

The reason for existence is to glorify God and spread the Message of Jesus Christ, storing up rewards and populating Heaven.

Life is short so enjoy it.

Love heals, cleanses, edifies, and is a shelter for the needy.

Real happiness is shared.
Shit in one hand, and pray in the other; see which fills first.

Just in case you don't get the 'subtle' comment above; the bible is fiction, mayne...



Well-Known Member
Essential truths of life:

God created the universe and everything in it.

Heaven is real and so is Hell.

The reason for existence is to glorify God and spread the Message of Jesus Christ, storing up rewards and populating Heaven.

Life is short so enjoy it.

Love heals, cleanses, edifies, and is a shelter for the needy.

Real happiness is shared.
I'm with CWE on this one: your god is lame. I prefer my deities to be a little less...rapey...


Well-Known Member
Shit in one hand, and pray in the other; see which fills first.

Just in case you don't get the 'subtle' comment above; the bible is fiction, mayne...

"Shit in one hand, and pray in the other." My great grandma used to say that. She was Catholic, but you'd never know it. haha

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
1: food

2: fight

3: fuck.

the Three F's are the cornerstone of human society. they are the strong and unyeilding base for the hierarchy of needs.