"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Hemp farms are a good idea. It's not going to change anything by itself but maybe as a part of an overall plan There are a lot of good uses for hemp to replace synthetic fibers. A company in the US makes carpets that can be composted. They work with hotels and such to install the carpets, then replace them when they get worn and compost the old carpets. That kind of change is for the better.
Its more than that. Its the things like an acre of hemp producing four times the pulp as an acre of trees but we keep cutting trees.

It will take some time but if we ever start growing hemp on the scale we used to it will make a huge difference. Hemp seed produces more oil than other seeds and is a better plant than corn or soy for bio fuels.

I agree more things need to be done but hemp and pot can drastically change our situation.
Nuclear is not as clean as wind solar or hydro power. It still pollutes can you tell me how to dispose of nuclear waste properly? Because the government just sticks it in barrels and buries it until the time comes those barrels leak and contaminate the ground water.

Interesting theory but I'm not buying.

modern reactors can burn up much more of the nuclear material leaving stuff that lasts a few hundred years still not perfect but then again nothing is

then you have the issue of land use and environmental damage

solar and wind is intermittent with means you need to need to over build to get the same energy out. covering a huge area with solar panels means you cut back on the area that nature can grow. and the hundreds of thousands of windmills needed and servce roads to said windmills means you need enough steel to build an aircraft carrier and then more than enough concrete to sink it again. that and the area for nature lost

energy density for a nuclear power plant mean a huge amount of energy from a small area. More for nature and less resources needed for producing it

please people read this to get an idea of the hurdles needed to supply the world with power

What to do with nuclear waste?

America alone produces about 2,000 metric tons of nuclear waste annually and our best solution for disposing of it: bury it deep in the Earth. However, a pair of MIT scientists believe they've found not only a better way of eliminating nuclear waste but recycling the deadly detritus into enough clean electricity to power the entire world until 2083. Win, meet win.
They changed the narrative (from global warming) but have the same goal in mind an international TAX


To save the planet from already in place environmental laws that they refuse to enforce, or just to line their NWO pockets?
Goddamn fucking Jew overlords.
Its more than that. Its the things like an acre of hemp producing four times the pulp as an acre of trees but we keep cutting trees.

It will take some time but if we ever start growing hemp on the scale we used to it will make a huge difference. Hemp seed produces more oil than other seeds and is a better plant than corn or soy for bio fuels.

I agree more things need to be done but hemp and pot can drastically change our situation.

Hemp seed is a very tasty and nutritious grain. There's a lot more protein in hemp seed than most other grains, certainly including corn and wheat. I've eaten many foods made with it, has a meaty, nutty flavor I enjoy.

More than one pet bird I've known was only too happy to deseed a tray of weed in return for a meal of them!
Hemp seed is a very tasty and nutritious grain. There's a lot more protein in hemp seed than most other grains, certainly including corn and wheat. I've eaten many foods made with it, has a meaty, nutty flavor I enjoy.

More than one pet bird I've known was only too happy to deseed a tray of weed in return for a meal of them!
Soy is the only grain that has more protein. Cannabis seed is full of omega3 and 6 fats.

It is definitely a healthy seed. I buy hemp hearts and cook with hemp oil.

I'm starting the paper work to grow hemp myself next year.
He already answered that.
yeah saw that after i posted

1000 acres at a lower hemisphere too i guess?

environmental damage is a key problem we have to deal with

not just housing

not just farming

but producing energy....

its all well and producing clean energy but every inch we use in doing so is taking away from the environment..


anyone got anything more substantial than pretty pics and warm ideas?
Its more than that. Its the things like an acre of hemp producing four times the pulp as an acre of trees but we keep cutting trees.

It will take some time but if we ever start growing hemp on the scale we used to it will make a huge difference. Hemp seed produces more oil than other seeds and is a better plant than corn or soy for bio fuels.

I agree more things need to be done but hemp and pot can drastically change our situation.

hemp isnt as magical as you think..

Countries growing hemp commercially (23):

  • Africa. Egypt.
  • Americas. Canada. Chile.
  • Asia & Pacific. Australia. China. India. South Korea. Thailand.
  • Europe. Austria, Denmark, Finland. France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine
hemp isnt as magical as you think..

Countries growing hemp commercially (23):

  • Africa. Egypt.
  • Americas. Canada. Chile.
  • Asia & Pacific. Australia. China. India. South Korea. Thailand.
  • Europe. Austria, Denmark, Finland. France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine

It is quite magical. At one point most everything was made from it. Untold damage was done when It was outlawed in a 144 countries. Cannabis replaces o2 at a greater rate than other plants.

A small fraction is grown now than before.

Think of all the logging that could be stopped if we made paper from it again.

Do you realize how much petroleum is in everyday objects? Replace that with hemp oil. Everything from medicine to plastics. Over 25,000 textiles were made from it at one point.

DuPont, paper companies, oil, pharma and cotton companies are the reason hemp is illegal.

Add all that up and restore it to the level it once was and it will make a huge difference.

Ill agree energy production is a big problem.

We don't have to destroy nature to produce clean energy. If everyone went to smaller solar and wind setups on their property it would greatly reduce our fossil fuel consumption.

everything from energy to food production needs to be brought back small scale.
It is quite magical. At one point most everything was made from it. Untold damage was done when It was outlawed in a 144 countries. Cannabis replaces o2 at a greater rate than other plants.

A small fraction is grown now than before.

Think of all the logging that could be stopped if we made paper from it again.

Do you realize how much petroleum is in everyday objects? Replace that with hemp oil. Everything from medicine to plastics. Over 25,000 textiles were made from it at one point.

DuPont, paper companies, oil, pharma and cotton companies are the reason hemp is illegal.

Add all that up and restore it to the level it once was and it will make a huge difference.

Ill agree energy production is a big problem.

We don't have to destroy nature to produce clean energy. If everyone went to smaller solar and wind setups on their property it would greatly reduce our fossil fuel consumption.

everything from energy to food production needs to be brought back small scale.

pipe dreams (cough bong) pipe dreams dude

hemp cannot solve our problems

neither can small scale solar and wind productions

our needs are many orders of magintudes higher than that...
pipe dreams (cough bong) pipe dreams dude

hemp cannot solve our problems

neither can small scale solar and wind productions

our needs are many orders of magintudes higher than that...
It is not pipe dreams.

So fuck it because there isn't any one thing to fix our problems?

Hemp wont fix everything. It will make a big dent, combined with the dents of everyone adding solar and wind. That will make a big difference.

But what ever. Lets just say fuck and keep on keeping on.
It is quite magical. At one point most everything was made from it. Untold damage was done when It was outlawed in a 144 countries. Cannabis replaces o2 at a greater rate than other plants.

A small fraction is grown now than before.

Think of all the logging that could be stopped if we made paper from it again.

Do you realize how much petroleum is in everyday objects? Replace that with hemp oil. Everything from medicine to plastics. Over 25,000 textiles were made from it at one point.

DuPont, paper companies, oil, pharma and cotton companies are the reason hemp is illegal.

Add all that up and restore it to the level it once was and it will make a huge difference.

Ill agree energy production is a big problem.

We don't have to destroy nature to produce clean energy. If everyone went to smaller solar and wind setups on their property it would greatly reduce our fossil fuel consumption.

everything from energy to food production needs to be brought back small scale.

I agree what every point but the last. Economies of scale are real and useful phenomena, and we are far too crowded on this Earth for us to be able to all go back to the land. In fact, it's been tried; Pol Pot's Cambodia was an unmitigated catastrophe for all involved.

There's no going back to the land without losing 99% of the world's current population, so the only alternative left is forward. Distributed power production is an idea whose time has come technologically and it needs to arrive politically. Attempts to limit the distributed production of food have been under attack by everything from victory gardens to farmer's markets. The wider distribution of manufacturing is on the horizon with ever better home based tools and new tech like 3D printing.

It's a brave new world, and we have more ability than ever to make what we want.
It is not pipe dreams.

So fuck it because there isn't any one thing to fix our problems?

Hemp wont fix everything. It will make a big dent, combined with the dents of everyone adding solar and wind. That will make a big difference.

But what ever. Lets just say fuck and keep on keeping on.
no im not saying that.

everyone adding solar and wind (inverse square law means small scale wind is inefficient) is a teaspoon trying to move a mountain of crap. resources and energy (CO2 at the moment) that can be better used else where..

hemp is not as magical as you think. if it was the countries that are growing it right now would be riding that magical wave you dream of

all the time people like yourself shun nuclear power your doing the same as the people who deny AGW

your part of the problem...

again read this


educate yourself before you come back claiming we can solve this with a few solar panels on our roofs and a piddly little windmill in our gardens
I agree what every point but the last. Economies of scale are real and useful phenomena, and we are far too crowded on this Earth for us to be able to all go back to the land. In fact, it's been tried; Pol Pot's Cambodia was an unmitigated catastrophe for all involved.

There's no going back to the land without losing 99% of the world's current population, so the only alternative left is forward. Distributed power production is an idea whose time has come technologically and it needs to arrive politically. Attempts to limit the distributed production of food have been under attack by everything from victory gardens to farmer's markets. The wider distribution of manufacturing is on the horizon with ever better home based tools and new tech like 3D printing.

It's a brave new world, and we have more ability than ever to make what we want.
Ill agree to.

My point being that even though that putting solar, wind and growing a little food wouldn't fix everything but it adds up.

I don't think we will ever find a fix all. It is going to take a combination of things to fix our problems.
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