"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"


Well-Known Member
That's right, I've never been anywhere but sea level
My fruit trees and native's are all flowering at the right time, unless me fucking calendar is wrong
I think you are full of shit


Well-Known Member
So how many issues should there be on the litmus test?

Campaign finance reform is the big one for me.

We can come back to accepting climate change.
The only reason someone would deny the science of climate change is if they're accepting corporate bribes, so, campaign finance reform is the single issue that currently wedges moderates and progressives. Look how hard people like Buck are trying to keep sucking the corporate cock, they will never let it go until it is pulled from their entitled mouths.


Well-Known Member
There is only 4 things you ladies need to know
1 we have just come out of an ice age
2 we are in an interglacial period
3 we are heading for an ice age
4 an interglacial period is warmer than an ice age


Well-Known Member
Righto ladies' I'm off to the beach to get a suntan, sink a few tinnies, smoke a huge joint and catch some fish for tea


Well-Known Member
Some clown on here did
Why would I think that anyway, I don't believe all that "global warming" caused by man bullshit
Exactly. You indulged in fake science, where you begin with an assertion, then look for proof, ignoring any information that contradicts your belief.

What's enormously comical is how you posted information that completely confirms human caused global warming yet you didn't see it. Proof of AGW was posted by your very hands and you didn't understand what you were doing. That is so fucking funny.