Indoor - DWC 2x600w - Jack the Ripper+SSH+White Russian+Blue Dream+Strawberry Cream


Active Member
The big ladies have been sent in to flower after exploding under the HPS for a few days. Clones/Seedlings are still doing fine. Pic update coming soon.


Active Member
Beautiful roots = Beautiful plant. I love bubble buckets :) Let's see if I can hit the wall on these ones. You know you did it right when you end up with this:


Not my picture, but definitely something to admire :)


Active Member
This will be my last picture update until flowers start poppin :) They are getting huge, and I suspect in a week we'll have something fun on our hands. Also, I threw in a new oscillating fan. It wears a nightcap to snuff out the blue light it emits.

Lots of room to grow. Approx 3 weeks from setting up the right half.

Full view

Jack the Ripper. She smells great already.

White Russian

Strawberry Cream. Gonna be some work keeping her short and bushy while the others catch up.

Seedlings at day 8/9 above ground. Moving along

I'll be back soon with some petunia pics all things allowing :) Leave a message!


Active Member
Pre-flower Calyxs

Larry OG

Salmon Creek (So tasty, smells like acidic soil, lush ferns, fruits, and fresh water. No joke)


Active Member
Update! All things moving along nicely.

Veg Box: Well, the Strawberry cream was too far ahead of schedule, so I put her in a bucket, replaced her with a Romulan clone, and took her to my friends house. Now, she has her own light and will be flowering very soon. This friend is a member here, and has done grow journals here as well. If he decides to start a journal and take pictures I will link to it here. If not, I'll make sure to personally update the progress of that plant in this thread. Either or, gonna be some danks. On top of that, I have begun LSTing the Mako Haze. I intent to wrap her around the net-pot and invite nature to it's work from there. Aside from that, the seedlings and clones have about two-three more weeks until the hit the right side of my flower tent :)

The Strawberry Cream a few days before she was moved:

Mako Haze, three days ago, and today:

Romulan. This is a strain I am going to love doing justice:

Seedlings. Ceres feminized:

Flower Tent: Things have been moving quickly. It's hard to believe that the oldest plant is less than a month old at best. I didn't start setting anything up until 4/20, and that was less than a month ago. Anyways, we're about 10 days in to flower and little nodes are popping up everywhere. In another weeks time I should have some legitimate nug-work happening in there. Anyways, check the pictures :) It's time for me to roll a spliff. Got some BOG Sour Lifesaver from the club. So sweet and dank.

White Russian


Blue Dream

Jack the Ripper

Thanks for stopping in! Leave one :)


Active Member
Damn dsmoke! Nice set up! Things are gunna get rowdy in there! All your ladies look great so far. Nice choice on the 600s. I got a little DWC project going on the side (main garden is soil) but man it's fun. Think I've been convinced to put a couple buckets in my next flower room. What is it that's different about your ac unit that it doesn't have the ducting like most I see? I am about to start a build out on a new room, and want to get an ac, but have been wondering where I'm gunna duct it for fresh air. Yours is the first I've seen with no ducting. Any help appreciated. Beautiful grow - sub'd and can't wait to see em flower out!


Active Member
Damn dsmoke! Nice set up! Things are gunna get rowdy in there! All your ladies look great so far. Nice choice on the 600s. I got a little DWC project going on the side (main garden is soil) but man it's fun. Think I've been convinced to put a couple buckets in my next flower room. What is it that's different about your ac unit that it doesn't have the ducting like most I see? I am about to start a build out on a new room, and want to get an ac, but have been wondering where I'm gunna duct it for fresh air. Yours is the first I've seen with no ducting. Any help appreciated. Beautiful grow - sub'd and can't wait to see em flower out!
Thanks man! Check this pic out:

Look right behind the A/C to the right. There is exhaust ducting being pumped outside the tent. As far as scrubbing clean air in. The side of the A/C pulls air through a filter, and the environment of my tent is regulated by my house. And on the bottom left of the image. Clean air is brought in from my central A/C, and hot air is scrubbed out through my lights by a 6-inch centrifugal fan outside of the tent. From there you can keep it whatever temp you want. My humidity is anywhere from 30-50, normally in between. It's a bit spendy to get the right temps, especially in Cali, but well worth it in the end. No root rot, mold, heat burn, over-lush, or any other environmental stress issues. Keep it simple stupid :) Maximize the quality and efficiency of your temperature, air, space, and light. From there you can start fucking with nutrients and medium. Your plants will love you!


Active Member
Ah - there it is, missed the ducting. Awesome - thanks for the informative respose. You are guna produce some fine ganja in there my friend :lol:


Well-Known Member
Got some of the best pics on riu, love the vividness
what kinda camera u using as i will def get one
your plants are still looking awesome
i glanced back but didnt see, what nutes are you using?
think i could pm u and talk more about your dwc set up as i am very interested in starting one. your is diy i assume but looks great
+rep again when i can


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Check this pic out:

Look right behind the A/C to the right. There is exhaust ducting being pumped outside the tent. As far as scrubbing clean air in. The side of the A/C pulls air through a filter, and the environment of my tent is regulated by my house. And on the bottom left of the image. Clean air is brought in from my central A/C, and hot air is scrubbed out through my lights by a 6-inch centrifugal fan outside of the tent. From there you can keep it whatever temp you want. My humidity is anywhere from 30-50, normally in between. It's a bit spendy to get the right temps, especially in Cali, but well worth it in the end. No root rot, mold, heat burn, over-lush, or any other environmental stress issues. Keep it simple stupid :) Maximize the quality and efficiency of your temperature, air, space, and light. From there you can start fucking with nutrients and medium. Your plants will love you!
very nice grow i am subed in :)