Indoor growhouse explodes? will it happen to yooOOUUU??!?!


Active Member
An explosion at a home in Broward County literally blew the lid off a marijuana grow house operation Sunday night.
The blast happened shortly after 8 p.m. at the house in the 2200 block of Southwest 43rd Way, according to the Broward Sheriff's Office.
When authorities arrived at the scene, they found the roof had blown completely off the home, sending debris everywhere.
A search of the house turned up pot plants and other paraphernalia for running the grow house operation. Officials said the operation may have overloaded the home's electrical system, which led to the explosion.


im pretty sure this was in florida too. indoor growing, and DEA's efforts are climaxing...they have drones flying over miami now...if anyone wants ill post the link for that too. actually it was in Time magazine. peace


Well-Known Member
An overloaded electrical system would not blow the roof off of a house. A gas explosion would. Your link is broken...