Indoor/Outdoor Season Journal


Well-Known Member
Well, I was just out there today and I think I might lose my one plant. The 7' Ceres Purple looked fine a week ago, but when I was out there today about 1/2 up the plant most of the leaves looked like this.


Never seen anything like it. Some were better, some were worse. If this keeps up I'm going to lose the whole plant I think. Hopefully I at least can get a few more weeks out of it and hopefully pull something off of it. It suppose to finish flowering in under 8 weeks and it's already been about 3. Anyone have any thoughts on the subject? I really dunno if it can be a deficiency, it happened so quickly. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera out to show the entire plant, but it's bad.

On a positive note, all the other plants are looking great and really starting to come along nicely. My 3 Easy Ryders at around a month of age are already bigger than the Low Girl was at 2 months. I'm going to head out later in the week to check up on my sick plant, so I'll get some new pics up then.


Well-Known Member
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro. 2 gallons per plant once a week at full strength. Since they started flowering a few weeks ago I've been using the "transition" mix which is 1 tbls Grow and 1 tbls Bloom per gallon. It happened so suddenly and so drastically. I dunno, I thought that would happen more gradually and couldn't find any pics to match what's going on. Went from perfect, to 1/2 the plant in under a week.

Oh, usually I use small tablespoons and put 10 drops of Schultz All Purpose in too for the micronutes it has that the Botanicare doesn't. It's actually not very much. The Shultz instructions call for that much per quart, not per gallon, but I just use it to supplement.

Only thing I've seen that's close is magnesium deficiency...


Well-Known Member
Tough to tell just by looking at 2 leaves - hopefully you can post some pics of the whole plant soon. I can't imagine anything so drastically out of wack that it would kill your plant that quick. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
i noticed that alot of things like that can happen outdoors, but as long as most of you plant is healthy i say ur in good shape


Well-Known Member
I have been having the same problem in 5 gallon buckets. It is always when they need a watering. I water with nutes, the leaves green up. Just started Advanced Nutrients Big Bloom, 0-15-40, used it last evening and waiting to see the results. Contains no nitrogen so I don't expect the leaves to green up but the buds to start getting a little more mature. Im outdoors in NY State. Have seven ladies in 4 to 5 gallon pots. None are root-bound. I have successfully grown in 5 gallon buckets before, as long as they have enough drainage holes. That is what I wanted to ask you, did you drill drain holes in the bottom and sides of the buckets?? If not, you could be drowning the girls. Good luck and I can post some pics of my ladies on here if you like, look very similar to yours.


Well-Known Member
I have been having the same problem in 5 gallon buckets. It is always when they need a watering. I water with nutes, the leaves green up. Just started Advanced Nutrients Big Bloom, 0-15-40, used it last evening and waiting to see the results. Contains no nitrogen so I don't expect the leaves to green up but the buds to start getting a little more mature. Im outdoors in NY State. Have seven ladies in 4 to 5 gallon pots. None are root-bound. I have successfully grown in 5 gallon buckets before, as long as they have enough drainage holes. That is what I wanted to ask you, did you drill drain holes in the bottom and sides of the buckets?? If not, you could be drowning the girls. Good luck and I can post some pics of my ladies on here if you like, look very similar to yours.
Yeah, I put holes in. I put a few in the bottom and a few on the sides about 1/2" up. The big ones are actually straight in the ground. I Decided to go with the buckets with the autos.
It's actually been really dry here for the past 2 months. Guessing similar conditions in NY. I'm on the fence about growing full sized plants in buckets next year. I like the convenience, but I was worried about stealth and I wasn't sure if they would be big enough since I started in late April. Although I've been following a grow this year in buckets and the guys plants are bigger and fuller than mine so I might give it a shot next year.

Hell yeah bro, throw some pics up, it's all good.

To eliminate confusion and to make things more neat, I think I'm going to start a new thread for these Easy Ryders. I'll throw up the link then for anyone who's following. The grow journal forum doesn't seem very active, so I think I'm just going to put it in the general outdoor forum. They really should put up an auto subforum somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Damn, sounds like you have the nutes covered. What about the PH and type of water?
Haven't checked the pH yet. I never bought that meter, too low on money. I think it's a safe bet that it's low though. I mixed a tiny bit of lime in the soil back in April, but that's most likely run its course. Considering they are in acidic peat, plus the nutes, plus rain which is like 5.5 around here, it's probably low. I'm thinking about mixing a little lime with my water next time. Not a lot, I'm talking like 1/8th of a teaspoon.
Well peat already is already naturally low in Ph and your using lime so your Ph sounds really low maybe in the red zone. If u are low on funds hit up homedepot u can find Ph kits for 7 bucks. Leaves will also automatically start dieing off as your ladies end their cycle so don't freak out and do anything drastic... good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Went out today to get some new pics. Everything looking good excpet this damn Purple. Not sure what to do about it. The thing just keeps dropping leaves. First they get this "rust" on them (pic 4), then they turn yellow, die, and fall off. Even worse, it looks like the same thing is starting to happen to the Northern Lights that's next to it.

Other than that, they are really starting to flower hard. Some are even starting to throw some trichs off. The one plant "fantaseed 2" (last 3) is probably my nicest plant. It was an early favorite, but then got bumped by that damn purple, but now it's back on top. I wish I knew what strain it was.
The first couple pics is the purple. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. The blurry one after them is the Nirvana Northern Lights. The rest are the two big fantaseed females at the other patch.

purple.jpgpurple dead leaves.jpgpurple close.jpgpurple rust.jpgNL blurry.jpgfantaseed 1 blurry.jpgfantaseed 1 branch.jpgfantaseed 1 top.jpgfantaseed 2 (favorite).jpgfantaseed 2 top.jpgfantaseed 2 flower.jpg


Well-Known Member
New pics. Trying to take them at the same angle each time so I can compare. Purple looking a little better. It seems like the damaged stopped although there are pretty much no fan leaves left.

Purple recovering.jpgPurple bud.jpgPurple top 1.jpgNirvana NL.jpgNirvana NL middle.jpgfant 1.jpgfant 1 top.jpgfant 1 bud.jpgfant 2 (fullest).jpgfant 2 top.jpg


Well-Known Member
Getting a little quiet in here...Anybody wanna try guessing potential yield if everything goes well? The plant in the last two pictures isn't the tallest (only about 6') but is by far my healthiest and fullest. I think they all still got a hell of a lot of filling out to do.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey Smelly thanks for stopping in. Yeah they are all flowering. I'd say about 3 weeks in. 2 maybe even a little longer than 3 weeks. I was surprised when they started the last week of July. If things keep going well it's gonna be a great fall. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Hey Smelly thanks for stopping in. Yeah they are all flowering. I'd say about 3 weeks in. 2 maybe even a little longer than 3 weeks. I was surprised when they started the last week of July. If things keep going well it's gonna be a great fall. :smile:
Thats bad ass, ill be here waiting to see the outcome:)