Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights


Well-Known Member
Imo I don't think the spd from riant is correct. I think there is very little green and yellow if any. Just like the korallen zucht Fiji purples. If it had more green it would be pink like the flora suns. Then more green and yellow to appear white like every 5000k bulb.


Welcome Doright! Glad we could contribute to some small degree. Here's to a successful harvest. Post up some pics when you get a chance. We'd love to see your garden!
Im glad you offered the wish to view my garden and I probably will post pictures of it some time in the future but for right now after all the mistakes I have made my plants look pitiful, Proving once again that just buying some thing expensive doesn't guaranty great results for lack of true knowledge.

I would like to discuss how to bring about larger yields gardening with these lights?

Do your lights like Higher room temps? kinda get brighter with higher room temps?

I would also like to discus actual Temperatures your seeing from your lights and what size grow area your using how much airflow your actually providing.
and what Grow medium you are using or think would work better?
I'm seriously a new grower with no real knowledge what I'm doing right or wrong, like listening to my buddy and stripping off all leaves on two of the plants.:wall:
I would like to say Im learning but honestly its more like monkey see Monkey do. I am learning SLOWLY to just look and read the plant but its HARD and IM HARD HEADED to boot its clearly gonna take me a while before I learn how to listen to plants that's for sure. I don't care if I had a 1000K Metal halide I would screw the pooch with that right now too being a new grower with absolutely no experience growing any thing.

I'm glad I knew that before my purchase


Well-Known Member
Imo I don't think the spd from riant is correct. I think there is very little green and yellow if any. Just like the korallen zucht Fiji purples. If it had more green it would be pink like the flora suns. Then more green and yellow to appear white like every 5000k bulb.
My LVD 5000k induction appears white when on and my T5 Zoomed Flora Sun appears yellowish and it's rated 5000k.When I called Indagro they told me theirs was rated 4850k and in photos they appear white.Not sure if any of this means anything.


Well-Known Member
Imo I don't think the spd from riant is correct. I think there is very little green and yellow if any. Just like the korallen zucht Fiji purples. If it had more green it would be pink like the flora suns. Then more green and yellow to appear white like every 5000k bulb.
There is quite a bit of white light to it.
Its id say white and pink with a bit of purple in there.


Well-Known Member

  • T5 Zoomed Flora Sun appears yellowish and it's rated 5000k.​

I think your mistaken 002.jpg001.jpg <<<zoo-med florasuns with 6400k agrobrite bulbs, big red spike so can't have a yellowish appearance....


Well-Known Member
^^^^ you know how the appearance color can look different depending on what bulbs they are next too.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ you know how the appearance color can look different depending on what bulbs they are next too.
Yeah I know..............still wouldn't call it 5000k or neutral/day whatever it's a "red" leaning bulb IMO

Must have been because of the bulb it was next to.Just put 2 Zoomeds in a fixture and it has a very light pink cast to it.No where near as red as your pick.
Yeah sorry here you go 003.jpg004.jpg light last two left and it will go back to all white for veg, not spending any more $$$


Well-Known Member
Hey doright, its funny that what drove you away from inda and towards igrow is the exact reason i went with inda, that and the longer warranty. I look at the potoon as a revolution to be worked into all grow rooms, basically the pontoon is not a necessity to get to harvest like igrows flower bulb. Whrn I asked my local store, they pimp igrow hard, about inda they shut me down immediately saying inda buys their vrg bulb and sells it as a one bulb solution and there was a pending law suit regarding this matter, i emaild inda gro and their pres darryl set me straight the same day...
So after that I looked on here for journals with igrows, only found indas besides stevey, that one never saw a finish as far as i know. but then i found splifferous's journal and he has been having great results. So in the end the 10 yr waaranty, one bulb, and no bs presentaion got me to go with inda, also just like how you did not like the pontoon i do bot like the extendable wings igrow sells which do notadd that much if you ask me except money to their pockets.

Side note, if they are not UL listed how the hell did they get all these universities to try their lights without saying now way without that cert.... If you ask me it draws question on the legitimacy of their field testing. If you get in touch with darryl at inda gro he might be willing to let go of a unit to settle this feud, although i do not think the pontoon would be included as i think the inda would still wipe the floor with the igrow pontoon less, could even grab the igrow wings for ahandicap lol. If you watched fhe igrow youtube vids how come you did not check out the sure2grow guys lights (ibeam), pretty sure he used to rep igrow, then got boned and started his own company, funny thing is that igrow still references his vids.... Anywho as far as your questions go i would say a even canopy is what your aiming fo to maximize yield, the environtmental questions can be answered.if you peep my thread, spliffs , or psuagro's. Keep it green and looking forward to seeing what you can do with those lights.


Well-Known Member
My LVD 5000k induction appears white when on and my T5 Zoomed Flora Sun appears yellowish and it's rated 5000k.When I called Indagro they told me theirs was rated 4850k and in photos they appear white.Not sure if any of this means anything.
It means something if you look at it in the context of how does the sun appears in midday light to be 6500 kelvin to the eye. The kelvin color temperature will shift throughout the day and under different atmospheric conditions but my point is that the 6500K means nada to plant net action absorption spectra. Based on the traditional marketing that sells you one lamp for veg and another for flower under that kelvin temperature and the sun would have to be replaced by a 2500 kelvin flowering sun when we switched its photoperiod to flower.

I'll say it again since it bears repeating; lux, footcandles, lumens, kelvin all represent human vision units of measurement relative to our perception of light. And while that value is worth noting insofar as how we perceive the lamps spectral output it has little bearing on the lamps PAR wavelengths. When selecting an indoor grow lamp that should be determined on the plants net action absorption spectra matching the specific lamps spectral output based on a spectroradiometric (SDG) graph that shows these wavelengths at their relative intensities.

Buying a grow lamp, or an aquarium lamp for that matter, based on kelvin and not being aware of the actual emissions is pissing your money away. Lamp manufacturers love guys that buy their lamps based on kelvin since they don't do their homework. Sure they'll probably grow plants but you may not be using lamps that emit the spectrum's that the plant is looking for. And that is precisely why one brand of lamps advertised at 5000 kelvin and another based on a 4800 kelvin value (which btw you will not find on the IG site since they don't focus on the visual component of the blend) will produce higher yields, shortened time to harvest and higher quality bud using a single lamp, veg-flower, broad spectrum approach.

If a manufacturer is trying to sell you a grow lamp(s) based solely on kelvin they are perpetuating the same BS that has lined their pockets for years.


New Member
Well I purchased 3 new Igrow lights 2 flower and one Veg, The selling point for me was that INDA-GROW needed such an expensive add on pontoon. The Igrow had a specific Bloom bulb wich in a pinch as it turns out can be used during Veg.
When my new lights were delivered it was obvious one of the lamps was broken in shipping even before opening the box it was the Veg light by the way.
A quick call to the dealer and a new bulb arrived within 48 hr's UPS no cost to me no BS just a new bulb. I ended up having to put plants under a bloom light for a few days while I waited for the replacement Veg lamp.
And you are correct the lamps are not that easy to replace not something I would want to try with the fixture hanging but I wouldn't say impossible, I would definitely put it on a table tho.

A quick look at ballasts and your right I don't see any UL stickers of approval nor any FCC approvals hmmm.......
This company's Parent company is an American lighting company too ???? It does seam odd to me that they a Major US lighting mfg would just forget or neglect to get those certs to me too.
I just took it for granted that they were being sold in USA and had to be UL listed? bad on me.....

I do like how the Ballast's are power smart they know if they are plugged into 220 or 110 without rewiring them! just simply plug into adapter plug to run them on 220 electrical.

I am a very new grower and only had the lights now for 1.5 months I cant say how they compare to any thing else as I have never grown any thing before nor do I have any other lights to compare them too nor do I have any experience growing ANYTHING!.
I really don't know where any of this stands? but for me it was not needing the Pontoon and I think the technology the pontoon is bringing to the table is altogether something different any way as far as new Plant lighting requirements and technology goes any way cutting edge stuff I am in no way knocking it. I'm also 100% sure the IGROW would benefit from the added Pontoon/added LED lighting as well.

As far as My Judgment goes on IGROW my jury is still out, Do they work? Yes!, BUT I am too much of a noob at growing any thing to really know how to use them to their full potential yet to make a good judgment to say yay or nay on being what they say they are.

I thank Spliff Yourself Chaz and SteveG and my own freedom of choice for my decision of which lights to try in the end it was the Pontoon specifically its price tag! which when added to purchase price of a new 420 was WAY more than a single Igrow, INDA-GROW had me till they came out with the Pontoon.
IGROW had specific bulb for flowering nothing more needed, BUT I bet it would benefit from the same technology that Inda-grow is using to supplement with using the Pontoon.

I thank all of you guys for putting your ideas and feelings and experience out there on these forums for others to benefit from.
Hi there Doright.

thanks for joining in the conversation; i'm eager to see your garden! i'm not knocking you at all with this, but i'd LOVE to see a single iGrow grow come to a decent harvest.

i wanted to take a moment tho, to correct your assumption that the pfr-Pontoon is "needed". take a peek at my older YouTube videos, if you haven't already. a single Pro-420-PAR gives pretty damn solid results in bloom on it's own. the pfr-Pontoon is an optional add-on that not only addresses the plant's metabolic increase in bloom with targeted Chlorophyll A stimulation, but also incorporates a Pfr ground state shift in the plant at lights off.

and based on my experience to date, with not only t5/cfl/HPS, but also a 200w and a 400w iGrow (aka Full Spectrum Solutions - the OEM that charges half what iGrow charges), a pair of Inda-Gro Pro-200-PARs, 3 420-PARs, and 2 pfr-Pontoons; the 420/Pontoon approach gives the best versatility for established plants.

allow me to explain:
imagine that you have a tent set up with a 420 and a Pontoon. you toss your babies in and rock the 420 solo for veg... you scrog them all up in the tent, and now they're hard to move...
oops! it's bloom time now! thank goodness you don't have to crawl in there and change a hood or bulb... you just plug the Pontoon in to the timer and set it to 12/12, and now you have enhanced day spectra and pfr state switch.
done with that run? just unplug the Pontoon and clean up for the next veg run...
oh, and the 2 combined weigh something like 17 lbs. light movers stay cool!

at least that's what my plans are, for 3 tents...

the iGrow "solution" is separate bulbs; and their bloom bulb, you go on to admit would most likely see benefit from the Pontoon as well. but look at the math of Inda-Gro vs iGrow too:

200w Veg light ($850) + 400w Bloom light ($1200) = $2050
-you have to change the fixture as you switch to bloom; i hope you designed your garden according to having to accommodate that.
-fixtures are too heavy for light movers and will burn them out (i know this from personal experience).

Pro-420-PAR ($795) + 420-pfr-Pontoon ($745) = $1540
-will not require changing anything from veg to bloom.
-will veg the plants at 420w; more plant growth faster - less veg time required to achieve given desired canopy size before bloom (faster cycle speed).

with just that analysis, it looks like you went with the option that costs $500 more, and left you able to say "I'm also 100% sure the IGROW would benefit from the added Pontoon/added LED lighting as well."

but you said the Pontoon is what pushed you away from Inda-Gro...

maybe i've had one too many dabs...

or maybe i need another?


Well-Known Member
My god 750$ for the pontoon!?!?

Guess im going to DIY pontoons from t5 instead.
Ill just mount em to my reflector.
Then run more blue in veg, red in flower an UVB in late flower.


Well-Known Member
I love the way some company's creatively label their lights.
the RedWave bulb says its a "super coral generator".

I seen another somewhere they were calling a light a "photon cannon"

I will try and remember to call my Riant light a "super hemp generating photon cannon"

Imagine how much better it will grow!!!!!



Well-Known Member
scar coral likes more blue than red. red is for algae and fresh water plants. they have a bulb called ultra growth wave that works good with mj but the flora suns are cheaper and better quality.

on the diy pontoons mounted to your hood. hellolight, marine depot both sell t5 parts. sockets and what not. the wave point sockets are the best ones imo.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Hyroot maybe you can help me...I am looking for readily available 46" T5 HO 660 nm peak tubes...a link to where a quality set can be easily obtained would be much appreciated..thanx